Chapter 24: Hope is Growing

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"Another scone? Go on, have another. You're as thin as a sapling." Edna plied me with another treat and I didn't say no. Ever since I'd woken up after my mate's departure, my appetite had returned with a vengeance. The last three days, I'd been eating like a ravenous wolf (no pun intended) and feeling a great surge of energy. To the point that I'd asked to be taken down to the gardens again, which I was allowed to do so to my surprise. At this success, I'd bravely attempted the long overdue trek to my old stomping ground: the servants' quarters. But, more importantly to Edna, to offer a very sincere and contrite apology.

I deliberately arrived at a time when I knew Edna sat down to look at the accounts in her office-come-sitting room, so as to avoid the curious faces of my former peers. My guard: two Delta warriors and a Gamma called Daniel, followed me dutifully. It was a bit embarrassing turning up with them in tow, however it did break the awkward surprise of my unannounced arrival as they first did a sweep of Edna's rooms before allowing me entry.

To my shame, Edna happily threw her arms around me and cried, "I'm so glad to see you!" and since then we'd been quite happily catching up over tea and food. I kept out the details of why I'd hidden the truth of my Mating Withdrawal symptoms, but fortunately I wasn't pressed for it either. That was the thing I always liked about Edna, she had a great motherly instinct for when and when not to ask something.

"The girls all think it terribly romantic." Edna chirped, with a twinkle in her eye.

"Romantic?" I spluttered, caught mid-sip of tea.

"They've been told to keep quiet, as you probably already know. But, getting them to stop nattering is like trying to stop the rain from falling." Edna had gotten out her knitting par usual, it was like nothing had ever changed. Despite the discomfort of the turn in conversation, I was reassured by this solidly built mother-hen and her knitting.

I flushed awkwardly, "I actually know very little. But, that's more my own fault. I haven't been very curious up until now about what's been happening."

Edna paused counting her stitches and gave me a frown of disapproval, "Hmmm probably because you're so thin. A girl can't work on an empty stomach."

I agreed, not wanting to risk a telling-off, and ate a cookie which seemed to mollify Edna a little.

"Well," Edna snorted, "Ardel is in a state of high emotion and gossip, some of it good and some of it frankly ridiculous. The new Luna is all anyone seems to be able to talk about. I made the mistake of telling May-Beth, my sister who works at the Bank down Jury Lane (you know, next to the 'Horse and Groom' tavern), that I knew you and... well, you wouldn't believe the attention I received that day and every day since when I've gone there to pay in something. But, don't you worry. I haven't breathed a word more about you."

Edna nattered away, speaking almost as fast as her knitting needles could move, updating me on what my scandalous presence had caused here. Suffice to say, the Wolfpeople and humans both seemed delighted (according to Edna mind) to have their Luna safe home with the King. My working at the Palace prior hadn't been hushed up, I suppose there were too many witnesses for that, but had been explained as my lack of faith in the mating system due to my upbringing in the Bane Pack. Then, rather romantically I had fallen in love with the King of my own accord and that I had then run away in fear I wasn't good enough due to my lame leg. Or, I'd been kidnapped, apparently there was a 'ridiculous' rumour that I had been taken by rogues and heroically rescued by King Hadrian. I personally preferred the kidnapping story.

Beta Leon came each morning and evening to check on me, I'll have to ask him sometime what the official party line was over my disappearance in case I was directly asked.

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