Chapter 22: Fire

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After Hades had left, Beta Leon escorted me back upstairs but allowed me to remain in Hadrian's living room at my request. I had had enough of lying sick in the bedroom, but I also wanted to hear any news as soon as it came. Before he could leave, I summoned my courage and asked the Beta what was going on.

Beta Leon had the athletic frame of a typical Wolfman, but was more wiry than broad; his blonde hair was cut short and his face was warm yet stern looking. He appeared to have been in his early thirties, but it was impossible to know with their extended life span. At my question, he awkwardly shifted his weight and frowned, clearly unsure how to answer me; no doubt I was an enigma to him, his beloved Luna, yet I had not accepted nor embraced such an honour.

"It's... not for me to say. King Hadrian will inform you when he can; he should be back within the next few hours."

To avoid any further discussion, he turned to go but paused to politely ask if I wanted anything. I declined and since then I had been mostly left alone with my thoughts, although interrupted briefly with luncheon and cups of tea.

I tried to read, but the words swam in front of my eyes and my right knee jiggled up and down. My heart felt compressed inside of me and there was a lump in my throat; I felt like crying and I didn't understand why. I shouldn't be hurt or panicky over a man I barely knew, but I guessed that the emotional turmoil of the morning had left a hollowness inside of me that had been given no outlet. The mate bond didn't help either: tendrils of panic for the welfare of my mate sent my mind into overdrive, as I vainly tried to guess what was happening.

Fortunately, I did not have to wait in misery for long. When the clocks struck two, I heard a firm, familiar stride of feet in the hallway and then silence as Hades came to stand silently in the doorway. I quickly tried to look engrossed in my book. A wasted effort I realised a second too late, as Hades would certainly be able to perceive my flushed cheeks and raised heart rate. I blushed further in embarrassment for deliberately trying to act 'casual'.

With a little cough, I put my book down and looked up. He was looking at me with an expression I couldn't work out; his thick brows were pulled together and his eyes were darkened slightly by the semi-presence of his Wolf. A long pause filled the air between us; I realised I could hear the sound of his breathing, slightly heavy and laboured.

"Why did you leave?" I asked quietly.

Hades came further into the room and softly padded to the other end of the sofa I was sat on, sitting down with his knees apart and his elbows balanced upon them. He waited, gathering his thoughts from afar it seemed, his fingers forming a steeple in front of him. Without looking at me, he spoke: "There are reports from my Intelligence networks of a potential attempt on our lives. Wolfmen being quietly recruited in the north."

"Near the Bane Territories?" I asked, putting two and two together quickly in my mind.

"Yes." Hades was still not looking at me, which was odd. He seemed to always be looking at me.

"Are these reports what took you away this morning?" I felt confused and apprehensive. Surely the King has attempts on his life all the time?

Clearing his throat, Hades continued talking but still not directly at me, "There was an attack on some of our outposts. Your parents, who were travelling under guard, are not harmed but have been taken into Ridel for their safety. I fear they cannot be made to travel on the open road for some time until we work out where this rebel group is getting their information. It was clear that these rebels knew where they were going to be, which was entirely classified knowledge."

I breathed a sigh of relief when I knew they were unharmed. But, I was not reassured. An informant? From where? I barely knew these people. I barely knew this man in front of me. A man who still hadn't looked up at me since he had sat down. A man who was trembling I noticed.

"These rebels are attempting to mass support in the outer rim territories and launch an invasion."

I furrowed my brow, "But, why? You're a good king." I spoke plainly, but it was true. Yet then my upbringing reared its ugly head, "It's because of me... isn't it?"

Hades didn't reply. He didn't need to. The trembling hadn't stopped though; it was like the air around him was softly vibrating. I thought I could hear the gruff sounds of a growl from deep within his chest as well.

"Hades..." I spoke hesitatingly, feeling uncomfortable and on edge. "Are you ok?" Before the question had left my lips, I felt ridiculous for having asked it. Of course this giant Wolfman was not ok. But, my question finally triggered him to look up and into my eyes: I shrank back into the corner of the settee.

The skin around Hade's eyes was coal black and leathery, whilst his irises were pure amber. My retreat caused my mate to growl louder. "Hades?" My voice came out slightly high-pitched.

"I'm so sorry Rose." Hades spoke, gruff and melancholic, his words slightly twisted by his partial transformation. His hands were now braced on his knees, holding himself down tightly.

"Why? My parents are safe."

"No... for this." I barely had time to blink before his firm hands had taken me around the torso and pulled me into his chest. My hair and head were pushed gently, yet uncompromisingly to one side. I let out a squeak in protest and shock, yet stilled at his voice again, "I have no choice."

Pain. Canines plunged into the soft flesh of my exposed neck. I screamed. I thrashed. But, it was no use. Hades did not linger, he pulled his teeth away and pulled me up close towards his face with his gigantic hands and arms wrapped around me solidly as I cried hysterically. Wet, hot tears ran down my hairline and I realised that he was crying too.

The base of my neck felt like it was on fire; I felt sick and feverish. Surely this was not meant to feel so bad? Everything I had read hinted that the marking ritual was peaceful, even soothing between mates. This was anything but.

Gradually the fever grew in intensity, leaving me shaking and limp. Hades pulled me back to look at me when I began involuntarily going into seizures. His eyes were filled with panic; the eyes of his Wolf were gone and nothing but the man could be seen. A man on the brink of despair.

"Doctor!" he roared, whilst I felt my mind slip away in a wave of bodily heat. I could hear the sound of rushing feet, as the fever finally overwhelmed me.

Why? Why had he done this? Was my last thought before I drifted off into painful oblivion. 

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