Chapter 25: Exuberance

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Sipping an infinitesimal amount of tea to both give myself something to do, but to not look like I'd emptied the tea tray before my visitor arrived; I shifted on my cushioned seat. When asked by Leon this morning if I was still willing to meet with someone to discuss matehood, I'd quickly said yes. But, with the proviso that we met in the gardens: I liked it out here and the Royal Quarters felt too private and stuffy after my weeks of isolation.

Leon seemed to like the amendment and I had to push down an insane feeling of pride at seeming to get something right in my role of 'Luna'. Honestly, it was pathetic – this level of decision making did not amount to the ability to host a large interpack dinner I had told myself repeatedly whilst sat out here for the last half an hour.

I'd arrived a bit early so as to not feel on the back foot, but whoever this mysterious woman was that was meant to be arriving was certainly late. All Leon had told me was that her name was Cleo and that she was a cousin of King Hadrian. I felt intimidated already and worried that I was being snubbed, as I am pretty sure punctuality for royal appointments is important.

Tapping my teaspoon on my saucer, I looked around nervously. My pair of Delta guards were nearby, taking it in turns to patrol through the garden or stand near my side. Their names were Sam and Evan. I'd been too shy to ask them much but increasingly I'd gathered up the courage to find out that they lived on Palace grounds with their families. When I had asked Evan on my way down to the gardens whether he knew Henry, he'd given a short "Hmph!" before replying that "Henry has been reassigned, Luna." I had wanted to press Evan for more information, but let it go whilst I prepared myself for this conversation with the mysterious Cleo.

I had been wondering all late evening and early morning how I could sneakily ask about changes in my mark without prompting an invasive medical examination. I'd only just got the entire medical staff of Ardel to stop checking up on me, I didn't want to invite them back.

"I know, I know I'm late. I'm always late." A loud voice sounded from around the corner. Before I knew what was happening, a willowy female appeared: long, brunette hair; lightly tanned skin and a big smiley face with the classic porcelain teeth of the Wolfpeople.

She approached me with gusto, ignoring the fact that I was still sat down and shook my hand that I just had time to pull out from within my lap. "I'm Cleo, your Highness and it is a pleasure to meet you."

Following closely behind was Gamma Daniel, who was still spluttering slightly in annoyance. Clearly, they had just had some kind of brief falling out; I assumed they knew each other as Daniel raised his hands partly in exasperation before apologising on behalf of this exuberant woman: "I will be just around the corner Luna, let me know when you'd like to go back inside." He then retreated, but I knew his superior hearing would mean he could catch everything that was said.

Cleo laughed at Daniel's implied snub. I sighed internally, this woman was going to be high-energy, I could tell.

"Thank-you for coming to see me, please do sit down." I spoke, nervous but determined to be polite. Cleo slid gracefully into the wicker chair, thanking me and accepted my offer of tea. Like all Wolfwomen, she had the classic tall and slender frame; but, she didn't tower over me like Hades did. Whilst, I poured her a cup of tea, I was reminded of my tea with Hades here just under a week ago. It felt longer.

"You're... Hadrian's cousin?" I began, but I actually felt myself relax a little when I realised Cleo didn't need much prompting; she was clearly a confident sharer of information. "One of them yes, there are sixteen of us although Aunt Luce is about to have her fifth. I am ninth in the line."

"Aunt Luce would be?"

"Oh gosh, that's right. You never got taught any of this! I don't mean that arrogantly, although I suppose it sounds rather high and mighty come to think of it, huh?" Cleo poured milk into her tea and added three sugars; I tried not to wince. "Aunt Luce, or Luna Lucille – I know, good alliteration – is mated to Alpha Tao of Averly; not a very big piece of land, but then Luce was never one for politics."

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