The Trial.

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It's been a while since the death of Larry. Sal had for the most part recovered. There were still nights where he would visit his grave. Or nights where he'd call, crying about how much he had missed him. Some nights so bad he went into complete isolation. I had still missed Larry, but I didn't have time to mourn. I was trying to stop the cult without them finding out. I had been sending letters for a good while. Trying to stop the cult from the inside, trying to stop certain actions or murders. But, it was no use. I had been too late. I would realize this walking to the trial of Sal Fisher. The boy for whom my love had only grown stronger through the years. Now on trial for mass murder. His own fiance going against him. I knew what was going to happen, I mean he sounded insane. But I knew he was telling the truth. I knew she did too. But Ashley Campbell, the woman I've envied since high school, was calling him insane. Saying his stories weren't true. She was even the one who called the police. I can only imagine how he feels. The trial was awful, back and forth of him just being called a murderer, or delusional.

"In the case of Sal Fisher vs the County of Nockfell, what say you?" The Judge had asked.

"The members of this jury find the defendant guilty of first-degree mass murder." Said the Jury Spokesperson. I wasn't shocked, almost at all. I was just hoping he didn't get that bad of a sentence.

"I agree with the jury on the verdict of guilt and because of the severity of the crime committed... I hereby sentence Sal Fisher to receive capital punishment." The judge had spoken. Capital punishment?? No. No fucking way that can happen. I wanted to scream out, you can't! He's telling the truth! He isn't a cold-blooded murderer! But I knew I couldn't. I knew it wouldn't help. I just wanted to say anything. I wanted to save Sal, but... I couldn't. I knew he was going to die one way or another. I know I can stop this. But.... I would be causing more problems. My father would have my head on a stake.

"No! You can't do that! He's sick! He needs our help!" Ashley had yelled as she rose to her feet.

"Order! Order in the court!" The Judge had simply yelled. Ignoring the other words Ashley had spoke. Shit. I had thought to myself. Shit shit shit. This is awful. I knew my father had wanted him dead, but to go this far. Shit, man. It can't end this way. Court had ended, and I had to go home. I was choking back tears the entirety of the time. Once I had gotten home, the trial was still the only thing on my mind. I blasted the playlist I've had since high school. I lied in bed completely distraught.

'Nothing I do is ever good, nothing I do is ever good enough. Nothing I do is ever good.'

The music blasting was utter background noise and basically silent compared to my thoughts. My headache-causing, heart-wrenching, annoying thoughts. The ones screaming to save him. The ones causing me utterly useless. The ones screaming about how selfish I have been. How I need to just fucking save him. But at the same time. They're telling me how good the trial went. How pathetic it was to be crying over him. How stupid it was that I was still in love with him, and how I should've just given up during high school. How good this was for the cult. How proud my father would be. My father. The cause of half of these overlapping, unbearing, and overwhelming thoughts. I knew they were just him speaking. His words embedded into my daily thought process. His god awful words. They've been haunting me since childhood. I couldn't even sleep the next night, my thoughts too loud and too harmful. It had been this way for weeks. After about a year, Sal had almost slipped my mind completely; and he did after year two. Two years after the trial and my life had just been consumed by the cult. But it was year three my thoughts and feelings for him had rushed back. When I had been surfing through channels.

'The Sally Face Killer has been announced dead at 6:33 PM.'


I know this was an extremely short chapter, but I really wanted to write it. So two updates today I guess! <3

(Next chapter will be much longer dw.)

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