The End.

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'We fell down this endless pit. Well, it felt endless. But we hit the bottom eventually. I heard multiple cracks. I didn't die immediately, but my father did. He broke my fall. I used all my strength to roll off of him. I couldn't breathe. My entire body was in pain. And it was silent. Painfully silent. I knew I wouldn't have a good ending, but I always prayed for something better than this. I slowly slipped from consciousness. But this time, I never woke up.'

As I watched Travis stab his own father just to save me, I realized.. have I loved him this entire time? Because I sure as hell love him now. It took me way too long to realize. I mean, It's not like I can do anything for him. I'm dead, hell I'm stuck in the arm of my fiance. What has everything come to? This sad, sad life. This god forsaken cult. Killing everyone slowly, first it was Larry. Then it was me. Then Maple and Neil. Could've been Todd for all I know. It was almost Ashley. And now Travis, unless I could prevent it. Maybe I could. Ashley rushed to Todd's side, I'm glad he was alive.. but.. fuck I wanted to help Travis. I wanted him to live, he just sacrificed his life for me. I watched him kill the man who's done so much to me. I watched him murder his own father. Himself. For me. How long has he been trapped in this cult? Forced to be used as a host, I can see it in his eyes. I can't let him die alone. I began to scream at Ash, to just let me go. To just let me go see Travis, to let me tell him. I can't even imagine what he's been through.. but Ashley didn't listen. Ashley only cared about Todd in this moment. Which, I'm happy about Todd too... But.. fuck.

Why does he care about Travis so much? He should be worrying about Todd! His real friend. The best thing Travis was done for Sal is kill himself, and now he cares all of the sudden? It's nonsense. He should be happy. The cults gone, Todd's alive. Instead he's grieving about somebody who never cared about him. He was probably dead by now. No way he survived that fall.

But he did. For a while. He was alive for awhile. Until he finally bled out. The truth is, he was saveable. Sal knew that. And deep down Ashley did too. And Travis prayed. He prayed somebody would save him. And while Sal tried, Ashley refused. And he died. He died alone, and cold. He died the one way he didn't want to. With his father. He didn't want to go like this. With his last words heard, from his father. Hearing how disappointed Kenneth was. But that's exactly how he went. And in that moment, the words dug deeper than they ever had before. Because Travis knew it was the last thing he'd ever hear. Travis knew his father had never loved him. No matter how hard he had tried to make himself better, it just wasn't good enough. And then he gave up. But deep down, he always wanted his father's approval. And now his father is dead, and he died thinking about how much he hated his son. And his son.. oh his poor son. He died knowing how much his father hated him. Knowing how much everyone hated him. He knew nobody would save him, but he still prayed. He prayed until he died. That somebody would care. And somebody did. But that somebody, realized it way too late. Not everything has a happy ending. And the blonde boy definitely didn't. He prepared himself for death, daily. He convinced himself he was ready. But as he was falling, he realized.. he didn't want to die. Not here not now. His didn't want his last thoughts to be the knowledge that nobody has ever tried to save him. But, that's what they were. Travis died a miserable death. Yet, he still believed it was a death he deserved. For once in his life, he believed there was a god. A god punishing him for everything bad he had done. And a devil, dragging him down to hell. The place he always knew he had belonged in.

Sal continued to beg and plead with Ash. But she just walked the other direction. She just ignored Sal's cries. She left Travis' body to rot. And she hadn't thought twice about it. Sal never stopped crying, and pleading. But there was a point that he knew it was too late.

That it was the end.

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