The Things I Never Told You.

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'The Sally Face Killer has been announced dead at 6:33 PM.'

'No. No. No fucking way. No. No no no no no. So many thing have gone unsaid. Too many things. This is a mistake, right? This has to be a fucking mistake! There's no way that's fucking correct.' I thought, my thoughts screaming at me. Screaming that it was wrong, and there was no way he was dead. There can't be. But another small portion of my thoughts... Knowing I have to accept it. Knowing Sal was dead. I can give up on any goals I had for him. I was preparing a visit. Did I get the date wrong? I was gonna tell him everything. I choked up so many times, and decided not to go. And I missed my chance. I missed my fucking chance, yet again.

The funeral wasn't long after his death was announced. Not many people went, almost all of his friends and family dead or locked up. Everyone else thinking he was a cold blooded murderer. I still had to go. I had to say something. Anything. "The day he was announced dead.." I spoke up. "It broke me. Me and Sal might not have been the best of friends. And I know you him, I was just another friend he had. But to me, he was my only friend. The only one I could talk to. He was the best thing to happen to me, but we lost contact when he was imprisoned. And I regret every second of that. I was planning a visit to the prison, but I missed the date. I couldn't believe the words that I heard coming from my T.V. It all just hit me. The reality of Sal's death." God, I wanted to say more but I couldn't. So I left. I just left, because I couldn't handle it. I couldn't say everything. I could barely say anything! I just went home. The next weekend, I went to his grave. I put on a suit, I even bought a bouquet. I set the flowers down, tears streaming down my face. I could finally let it out, and that's what I did.

"Sal.. I love you." It felt weird saying it out loud, I've written it more times than I've recited prayers. But I've never said it. "I've been in love with you since high school. So many times these feelings have come up my throat, just wanting them to spill. But I always had to be careful with my words. Sal, you've made my life better even when I was doing nothing but making yours worse. The amount of times I've caught myself staring at you. It's ungodly. This is all... This is all so sinful. But I don't even know if I believe in sinning. In heaven and hell. Or if the thoughts were beat into my everyday life. The thoughts making me incapable of telling you how much I loved you, probably making me incapable of loving you like you deserved. I never deserved the kindness you gave me, but it's still in every memory I have of you. I could just take my anger out on you, like the fucking dumbass I was, and you'd do nothing but defend me. These feelings developing... It terrified me. But looking back... I wish I told you sooner. You were an amazing part of so many people's life. The best part of mine. I fucking love you. And it's awful you were torn away from life so soon." I was sobbing, then thunder struck. It stormed and stormed. But I still just stood infront of his grave. I was soaked by the time I finally left. I couldn't bring himself to leave for awhile. I couldn't leave. When I finally convinced myself to, the first step away felt as if the word underneath me was crumbling. Every step, more and more of the earth deteriorating.

Not long after the funeral, I was at a stupid a cult meeting. I fucking hate this god forsaken cult, it's ruined everything in my life. It's changed everything that could've ever been good for me. Today, they had a plan for me. A plan that I didn't know about. My father pulled me into a room, filled with other cult members. The ones my father favored most. This isn't looking good for me. I was pulled into the middle of the room, I stared at my father and his stupid dog mask. That mask had haunted me for years and years. All of the sudden, I see the Red Eyed Demon. Then it went black. I woke up, I didn't know it but it had been 2 weeks later. That bitch, my so called "father" had let the R.E.D fucking possess me! I fucking hate that man, he doesn't earn the right to that title. I looked in the mirror, red. My eyes were red. I felt sickly. I'm lucky to have survived, though I wish I didn't. I felt like hell. Soon, my father walked in, not longer after I overheard him arguing with He said I need to make sure patrol the area. They were doing something, I wasn't sure of what but I barely ever was. They never let me in on any cult activity, unless I was needed. I got up, got into that stupid shitty cult outfit. I walked the rooms and hallways, I heard talking. Talking? That can't be good. I walked towards the sound of the voices. You have got to be kidding me, Ashley? The face I wished and prayed I never would have to see again. I did what I had to. I walked closer, "you there!" I called out.

"Crap- wait. I know that voice. Who are you?" She said, she sounded worried up until she recognized my voice. It was fine, I guess. I just need to get her out of here.

I pulled my hood down, "you need to leave. If they catch you here, it won't end well." I just need to say anything to get her out of here, my father and this stupid cult has taken too much from them already.

"You look horrible, dude. What happened to you?" She said, how nice.

"Don't act like you give a shit about me," I need her to leave, not make small talk. "Just get out of here."

"Come on, man. You can help us get Maple and Todd. Let's ALL get out of here together." She wasn't leaving, I was close to giving up. Letting her stay, and letting her see how right I am. How she'd just die, and kill her friends quicker. But I didn't.

"Trust me when I say, it's beyond impossible." It really is. I wish it could work that way, but I knew it couldn't.

"I know there's some good in you, Travis." You know nothing about me. "Sal saw it too. He stood up for you when no one else would. You know he did. Do this for him." Do it for him? He's gone. There's no reason to try with him anymore, no reason to do anything for him. Why should I even try? It's meaningless.

"Sal is dead." God, it still hurt to say out loud. "And you will be too if you stay here any longer."

"Dammit, why won't you help us?!" Are you kidding me? I can't believe this.

"I'm trying to." I was, the only way they could get out of this alive, is to leave now.

"He's right, Ash. You should go." Neil cut in.

"But.." Ash said, but was quickly interupted.

"It's okay. I've made my peace with it. I'll finally be with my Todd again." He said, trying to reassure her. But, I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth. If he knew what was coming to him... He wouldn't be this content with it. I basically had to drag Ashley out of there, but I was glad she finally left. I continued to patrol the place. I would do this daily for a week, and at nights I would vomit the night away and barely sleep. No matter how little sleep I got, I still had to patrol. I knew they were planning something big, I just wasn't sure what. And I knew Neil and the rest of the prisoners were in trouble. I had excruciating headaches the majority of the time, for about a month after the possession. Eventually they began to go away. Not entirely, but they were barely there. It was tolerable. Tonight was the night. The big thing my father was planning. The night it would all go to hell. Oh boy, was I excited. Really, I get to watch my father and his shitty cult gather around fucking corpses! Who would be fucking excited. God, I wanted to run and never turn back. But that would make my life so much worse. I put on the same shitty outfit, I walked to the same shitty room, and I stood there. Preparing for the worst. But, I still didn't prepare myself for what happened. Ash showed up. Fucking Ashley. Of course! The master of showing up at the worst fucking times. Was here. Yet again. But... Something was different.. her arm- it was.. no. No she fucking didn't. There's no way- she- no. That's impossible. That revival- wouldn't she be dead? Is that.. it could only be.. Sal..? They began to fight. The fight lasted for awhile, they were going to die. I had to do something. So I grabbed a sword. And I stabbed him. My father. I stabbed my father. I fucking did it.

"I can't let you do this." I said to him. A sword through his gut.

"Your betrayal is not surprising. You always were a disappointment." He's been stabbed, and all he can think about is how much I've disappointed him. Of course.

"The feeling's mutual, you fucking prick!" I'm glad I was finally about to stand up to him. But at what cost?

"You know you can't stop this, son." Don't call me that. You've never been a father to me. And then we fell. We fell down this endless pit. Well, it felt endless. But we hit the bottom eventually. I heard multiple cracks. I didn't die immediately, but my father did. He broke my fall. I used all my strength to roll off of him. I couldn't breathe. My entire body was in pain. And it was silent. Painfully silent. I knew I wouldn't have a good ending, but I always prayed for something better than this. I slowly slipped from consciousness. But this time, I never woke up.
A/N: I don't proof read- so point out any typos.

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