chapter seven

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You were woken up with a loud bang you opened your eyes to find heros who held the villains so you guys could escape. You got up walked to the heroes, they set you in a van, once they started moving you had passed out.

This time when you woke up you were in the UA hospital you were lying in a bed bandages all around your arm from Shigaraki, it still hurt a bit but not much, you sat up and that's when Aizawa came in, wearing his usual. He began questioning you asking things like, what happened can you remember anything are you sick, things like that you said "I'm fine my arm hurts a bit and yes I can remember" he smiled and said "can you tell me what happened?" it was your turn to smile, you smiled and nodded.

"Start from camp" he said " I was playing that weird game, I was walking when weird pink gas appeared I passed out but I awoke when some first years put a gas mask on me and one with green hair had said they were in class 1A and that his friend Bakugo and me were in danger, I panicked and ran away once I had gotten to tired I hid in some bushes, but then two people attacked me" I replied " do you know the names of your attackers" Aizawa asked I nodded and said " the girls name was toga and the boys name was Dabi" " now can you tell me what happened once they kidnaped you"

Again I nodded and responded with " when I awoke again there was three people two boys one Shigaraki other Dabi and then toga Shigaraki asked me and Bakugo if we wanted to join them we said no then he said if we don't they will torture us until he saw yes again we said no and Dabi burned Bakugo and Shigaraki did this to me, I lifted my arm. Aizawa nodded and said "thank you miss y/l/n is it" I smiled, and he left.

Recovery girl came in, handed me my clothes and said " it might be hard but you should be good to go back to classes dear" she smiled as she said it. I got changed and headed to the rest of my classes.

~time skip after classes~

I walked back to me and Shoto's dorm I opened the door and was ingulfed into a hug, I was so surprised but I ended up saying "miss me" Shoto replied with "yes! I heard what happened and I was so worried" I smiled and said " I'm fine don't worry I'll feel better with a good night sleep" I then went to sleep.

~hi sorry I don't know when I switched to first person but it's just way easier my bad but eh here, I hope you like it.~



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