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In a gulch we see two soldiers on top of a base, one orange and maroon, bored out of their minds. The maroon one looks at the orange one.

???: Hey, you ever wonder-

The maroon one was interrupted by a crash from behind the base. The soldiers get startled by this and turn around.

???/???: WHAT THE HELL!?!

They run to the back of the base to see a pod steaming. A red soldier comes out of base and looks at the maroon one.

???: Simmons! Status report!

Simmons: It appears to be an escape pod that crashed here but I'm not sure of what's inside it.

???: Maybe it's aliens?

Simmons: Really Grif?

Grif: You never know.

???: Well we're about to find out.

The pod opens and the soldiers aim their weapons at the pod, waiting for the enemy. The door opens a person exits the pod to reveal their beat up and destroyed armor, there was a crack in the helmet and they were holding their bleeding side.

???: James,

Their knees buckled and fell face first into the dirt, their helmet falling off to reveal their feminine features and orange hair with dark blue roots in a pixie cut.

Grif: It's a girl.

???: Quick! Let's get her into the base and patch her up.

Simmons: Yes sir!

Simmons and Grif pick up the girl and carry her into the base to bandage up her wounds. On the other side of the canyon, two soldiers are awoken by the crash.

???: What the hell was that?!

???: How should I know? I'm a lover not a weatherman.

???: Your an idiot and I hate you.

???: I hate you more.

Back at the base the girl was laying on a bed all bandaged up sleeping. Her wound on her side would scar and so will the one on her neck. Grif looks at Sarge.

Grif: What will we do with her when she wakes up Sarge?

Sarge: Not sure. If she's a blue we'll kill her but if she's not we'll recruit her.

Grif: Why am I not surprised by that?

Simmons: Sh! She's waking up.

They look at the sleeping women and see her groaning and twitching. She squeezes her eyes shut before slowly opening them to reveal beautiful bright pink eyes.

Simmons: Are, eyes supposed to be pink?

The girl gets up as Sarge puts a her shoulder to help her up.

Sarge: Now take it easy little lady. You were in a bad crash.

???: (moans) I was? I don't remember, where am I?

Sarge: You in blood gulch in red base. You landed right in a civil war.

The woman looked at Sarge confused.

???: I did? Who are you fighting?

Sarge: The dirty blues of course. It's the red vs blue.

???: Never heard of it but I don't remember anything so what do I know.

Grif: Why's your hair that color?

???: Huh?

Simmons looks at Grif and punches his arm.

Simmons: Grif! Have you not been listening?! She just said she doesn't remember!

The woman looks at takes a piece of her hair and sees that it's orange.

???: I guess, I used to be an artist or just didn't like my hair color? I'm not sure but I do know that I like art.

Simmons looks at her confused.

Simmons: But If you don't remember anything then how do you know that?

???: Because you and his armor would look good in a painting combined.

The women gestures to Simmons and Grif's armors. Simmons blushes at that and looks away while Grif just shrugs.

???: So, are you gonna tell me your names or what?

Sarge: Right. I'm sarge, I run this team and these two knuckle heads are Simmons and Grif.

???: Nice to meet you.

Grif: Do you remember your name or do we have to make something up?

The woman thinks for a while before putting her fingers on the Bridge of her nose closing her eyes.

???: My name, is uh, it's uh. (Clicks tongue) it's um.

Sarge was about to say something before the woman hearing a name in the back of her head.

??? Come on Sabine we're gonna be late for training.

The woman looked at the three reds.

???: Sabine, my name is Sabine.

The three reds looked at each and smiled, Sarge looks at her.

Sarge: Nice to meet you Sabine. How'd you like to join the red army?

Sabine: Sure. Sounds like fun but I'm gonna need some armor if I'm gonna fight.

Grif: Your other armor was practically garbage.

Simmons: Oh! I have an extra one that they sent me that was too small.

Sabine: Thanks. Got any paint?

Simmons: Only in red Sorry.

Sabine: It's fine.

Simmons leaves to got get the armor while she looks at Grif

Sabine: Did you find anything useful in the pod?

Grif: Yeah. A sniper rifle, a couple grandes, a knife, a pistol and some weird looking spray cans.

Sabine: Spray cans?

Grif: Yeah, we didn't know what it was until Simmons accidentally sprayed it on his face and in his mouth.

Sabine laughs at that.

Sabine: That's funny. Do you know where you put them?

Grif points to the corner and Sabine sees her stuff there. She slowly gets up and walks to them, Grif notices a giant tattoo on her back that looked like a Phoenix.

Grif: Why do you have a phoenix on your back?

Sabine looks at him confused.

Sabine: What do you mean?

Grif: You have a tattoo of a phoenix on your back. What's that about?

Sabine glances at her back to see that he was right.

Sabine: Maybe I like phoenixes, I'm not sure but I do love the color on my back.

Grif: You are definitely an artist.

Sabine: I'll take that as a complement.

Simmons comes back with the armor and she uses the spray paint and paints the armor. After awhile a soldier with dark pink and purple accents comes out of the base. Grif looks at her.

Grif: Like the color.

Sabine: Thanks. I guess I'm a red now.

And that is the first chapter of red vs blue   With multi colors folks I hope you enjoy. The next chapter is the bio.

Red vs blue and purpleWhere stories live. Discover now