so stfu if u can't see the problem, then ur a pedo supporter

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Something that pisses me off is when people misuse "pedophile" "groomer" and "incest". It's pathetic how much people in this community use that word on people when they don't agree with what they say. It's obviously a different story if the person was actually being problematic, but there are many times where there's no case of pedophilia, grooming, or incest.

What's even more annoying is those comments often get the most amount of likes, which means they have that many people blindly agreeing with them....

There's a few examples I have for this topic since I see it so often. First one is this hate page on Lisa (on Instagram). The person explained in their first post that they hate Lisa because:

she's a pedo and literally openly flirts with the Traveler who's a fucking minor, calling him/her sweetie and some other weird ass names.

In their second post, they asked people to sign an online petition that they made to remove Lisa from the game.

please help me sign this petition so it gives a higher chance of mihoyo seeing this! i'm so sick and tired of ppl trying to tell me, a MINOR, how to not feel things. she makes me uncomfy. period. she isn't a respectable character in the slightest. literally she's an ADULT fucking flirting with a MINOR. that's NOT okay! so stfu if u can't see the problem, then ur a pedo supporter and i don't want to interact. so done with these pedos and pedo supporters.

Anyways..... "pedo" isn't even being used correctly in this context lmao. Clearly a lot of people fail to understand what the word means. The more correct word would be "Ephebophilia" or "Hebephilia" IF there's sexual attraction going on (just depends on what you headcanon the Traveler's age as if you don't see him/her as an adult).

Believe it or not guys, the damn petition actually got like a couple thousand signatures.... which is sad and just shows how blind people can be, following the crowd.

If people still want to headcanon the Traveler as underage, then do it but don't spread lies to other people and make claims, telling everyone that it's canon the Traveler is underage. This also applies for anything else too that people want to headcanon. Having headcanons is okay, but spreading lies and claiming things to be "canon" isn't okay.

And then there's a lot of ads that laptop brands do where they have an image of Genshin Impact on their laptop screen. Because of the bad reputation that Genshin has, people in the comments keep saying things like:

Ugh not the pedo game showing up on my feed again.

this game is literally filled with pedos and pedo supporters. y'all better not be promoting this gross game and gross company 🤡

literally not as nice of a game as they make it look- the game is about pedophilia and flirting with minors. just a warning for everybody who's thinking about playing it.

thank god i'm not a pedo supporter 🥴 but anyway the characters aren't even hot so- try again.

Moving on to incest. Basically people are labeling the ship Kaeluc as "incest" when it's not. I made a chapter all about this (ugh ofc a chinese person would ship an incest ship kaeluc) and it includes the topic of kaeluc in it if you guys want to go back to it to refresh or if you missed it. Unfortunately people still just want to believe the English translations are the "superior" and "actually right". Not a surprise since so many people still believe Genshin is an American game and not a Chinese game.

Before you played Genshin, was there any criticisms you saw from other people? It was 100% the "pedophilia" and the "weird flirting" as people called it.

♦︎ AnnoyedAsian

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