dps but as quotes from my lunch group

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My friends and I have a Google doc of quotes said at our lunch and I have decided which dead poets society member said each quote. I know this makes zero sense but I thought it was a good idea so I'm doing it anyway.


"Jesus is behind that outlet, touch it and find out" (i have no context it just was weird) Knox I don't know why but he just gives off that vibe.

"The weirdest person ever is the first person to milk a cow" (Context: I said this randomly one day) Meeks 100% he would totally just blurt this out while studying with the other poets.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to" (Context: this person always asks weird questions) Neil, that or Cameron but I'm leaning towards Neil.

"You can argue anything with enough evidence" (I honestly don't know the context) Cameron, it just makes sense.

"You could've leaned" (context, one person threw something to somebody but did it really badly then proceeded to blame them) I'm thinking Pitts or maybe Charlie.

"At least he remembered my name" (I couldn't explain this one if I tried) Without a doubt hands down Todd.

This one's a situation. This dude just came and sat with us for no reason and just acted all weird, I have no idea how to explain it. But Charlie would totally do this.

Finally "we bully eachother, that's what friends do" Giving Charlie vibes.


I know this was weird but I thought it was kinda funny. There most likely will be a part two when I get more quotes.

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