nature is gay

551 17 1

TW: Underage Alcohol use

This is set in the cave with all of the dps members except Cameron because ew. They are all a little tipsy to say the least and that's all for background info. Oh and this is a legit conversation that my friends and I had believe it or not completely sober. And new format because I was lazy. This probably made more sense in my head. That about covers it enjoy.


Charlie: All of nature is gay, discuss...


Pitts: It is so true but do you know who doesn't want us to believe it?

Knox: Who?

Pitts: Our ancestors


Meeks: The ancestors are stupid that's what they are.

Charlie: Well I say to hell with the ancestors!

Everyone toasting their glasses: To hell with the ancestors!

Todd: Ancestors don't let us have any fun.

Neil: Do you know who has fun? Lesbian lizards!

Pitts: Ah yes the lesbian lizards.

Knox: Do I even want to know who or what is a lesbian lizard?

Meeks: The New Mexican Wiptail, an all female species, reproduces asexualy however still breeds with females therefore earning the much better name of the lesbian lizard.

Charlie: Even drunk Meeks is smarter than us.

Todd: Trans fish...

Everyone stares at Todd just stunned that he is actually contributing to a conversation.

Todd: ... that's also a thing.

Neil: Toddy boy is right some fish can change their gender.

Meeks: Specifically the kubudai change female to male while some others like clownfish change from male to female. Very interesting stuff.

Charlie throwing something at Meeks: Stop showing off.

Knox: Well that was a conversation to say the least.

Charlie: And what have we learned children?

Pitts: All of nature is pretty gay and ancestors are stupid.

Neil raising his glass: To nature's gayness!

Everyone: To nature's gayness!


Yeah my friends and I are pretty weird.

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