Chapter 2: Fugitives

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Cade's POV

Last night we found an abandoned building and stayed there.

Now, Optimus was talking to the Autobots again.

"Lockdown is hunting us and humans are helping him. We need to know why."

I raised an eyebrow, "I don't know about why, but I might have an idea about who."

I pulled out the drone that I grabbed when we were being attacked by the agents.

"I got into the camera's drive and found videos of what it has watched. Whoever is doing this is working with the Decepticons, killing and tearing apart your Autobots, and then shipping them off to a place called KSI." I explained.

"KSI. Kinetic Solutions Inc. They've got quite the reputation. They've been at the top of scientific research and development for almost 26 years." Alice said.

"No doubt using us as their means of learning. Stupid weasels." Leadfoot grumbled.

"You've just got that information memorized?" Tessa asked her.

Alice shrugged, "Is it helpful that they're headquarters are in Chicago and heavily guarded?"

"No way in without a fight." Leadfoot said.

"Unless we went." I suggested.

"So now we're helping the aliens break into a science facility?" Tessa asked me in annoyance.

"You got yourself into their mess, seems fitting you help the Autobots now that they have to protect weaklings like you." Alice told Tessa.

"You calling me weak?" Tessa asked.

"Depends." Alice said calmly before chucking a wrench at her.

Tessa squeaked and ducked, but the wrench still hit her leg.

"Well in that case, yes, I am calling you weak." Alice decided.

"Hey, stop throwing stuff at my kid before I start throwing stuff back." I warned her.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Enough. We need to focus on the mission. Cade, what method of action do you suggest?" Optimus asked me.

"I will find a way into KSI. Tessa, you and lucky charms will-"

"Call him lucky charms again, and you won't have the ability to speak. Respect his ancestry peacefully or you'll do it after my fist enters your face." Alice warned.

I froze, "Sorry. I was just making a joke."

Shane laughed, "Serves you right, superdad."

"Shut up, idiot." Alice snapped.

"You know, I'm starting to like her." Hound smirked, crossing his arms.

"Can we get back to business? Tessa, Shane, you both will go get supplies while I work on KSI." I told them.

"I can help. I'm excellent at covert operations." Alice told me.

"Right then. What will you do?" I asked, looking at the Autobots.

"We will drive, offer advice, protect you, and if something goes wrong, we will storm KSI." Optimus replied.

I nodded, "Then lets get to work."

We spent the rest of the day driving to Chicago where KSI was located before setting up base in an abandoned church.

"Tessa, over there. Shane didn't sleep with you before, he won't be doing it now either. Split up. Families together, friends apart." I ordered.

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