Chapter 6: Seed

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Alice's POV

"We will wait here with the ship. When you return, we will take the seed and leave it somewhere in space." Optimus told us.

"Get the seed, get back, and do it quickly, I don't want to be on this dirt rock any longer than I have to." Crosshairs.

"The rock is the swordblade which is weilded against us." Drift bowed.

"Oh shut up, lazy." Hound rolled his optics.

I laughed at their antics, "Right. Only Hound and Bumblebee are coming, you two keep your pie holes shut."

"I change my mind again. I don't like Optimus's fleshy anymore." Crosshairs glared.

"Alright let's go." Bumblebee decided, transforming into his alt mode.

"Optimus, could you- thanks." I smiled as he picked me up and put me on the ground next to Shane.

"Good luck." He told us.

"Wait hold on, Alice, you're staying with the bots." Mr. Yeager said.

"Excuse me, what?"

"You're fourteen. You broke your-"

"It's practically healed!" I exclaimed.

"Let me repeat myself: You are not coming. You can barely walk. Stay here, with Tessa and the bots." Mr. Yeager ordered.

"If Shane is going, I'm going." Tessa argued.

"Fine. Alice, you stay. I'm not taking no for an answer." Mr. Yegaer told me.

I glared, "So Tessa and Shane can go, but I can't? That's the most lopsided logic I have ever heard!"

He ignored me and stepped into Bumblebee's seat.

I limped after him, "Don't you dare-"

"Drive." He said and Bumblebee immediately took off.

"Hound!" I yelled, looking at the other bot, but he was already following them.


"Maybe it is for the best that you-"

I cut Optimus off with an infuriated glare. He put his hands up and backed off.

I looked at the ship they stole and walked over, not wanting to be around the Autobots after that embarrassing moment.

Who did they think they were anyway? I could kick better better than Shane or Tessa combined even if I didn't have any legs!

I saw the other captives from Lockdown. These were the other knights huh?

I walked up to one of the cages and looked at it thoughtfully. It stared back curiously.

"Arathnez parasite." He muttered in cybertronian.

"Cybertron trash." I countered.

"You dare insult me, weakling?" He asked indignantly, his muscles tensing.

"One kind act deserves another." I smirked.

"Why are you on Earth, small being?" He asked.

"I am half human." I replied, although, that wasn't really the reason I was on Earth.

"Have the Tehuns not killed off you repulsive half bloods?" He questioned.

"Have the Decepticons not killed off your repulsive knights?" I questioned.

"Do not speak to me like that! You are in the company of the knight Optimus Prime!" He growled angrily.

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