Capitolo 2

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After a quick meal with Selasi and Maddi, my dad and I made our way back to the shop. As we walked down the street, my dad nudged me with his shoulder. "So how was it? That bread was excellent in my opinion."

"Yeah, the pumpkin bread was probably my favourite part." I slowed my walk and smiled. "Maddi was very nice. As much as I love you and Aunt Miley, I missed talking to people my age." He returned my smile and held my hand until we made it back home.

The Next Weekend

I woke up to the sounds of rustling near my head. As I peaked my eyes open I saw a small fuzzball jump from a near-by chair onto my bed. It curled itself on my stomach and started to purr. The more I woke up, I realized who it was. "Rockson!" I shouted, holding up the fluffy white cat. Rockson is Aunt Miley's familiar who randomly appears and disappears. Usually he only shows up when she's near. "She must be over with Selasi again this morning, huh?"  I gave him a quick hug before setting him back down to nap.

I got up to change and heard the shops door bell toll. I finished getting dressed and made my way behind the counter and noticed my father helping a customer at one of the shelves. The customer is someone I've seen before. I've seen him around the marketplace and working in the clinic near-by. He must have been sent to get supplies this time around. I don't know his name, only heard trails of it in ends of conversations, but I'll find out when the time is right.

He made his way over to the counter with my father to ring up his items. His curly red-auburn hair was side-parted to barely cover his right eye. His eyebrows were dark and thick, but his eyes themselves were droopy and bagged from what looked to be countless nights staying up and studying and they were a beautiful gray-blue colour.

"I see they sent someone new this time 'round. Will this be all for you today?" I asked him, trying desperately to avoid eye contact.

I noticed him smirk, and I swore I swooned. It was exaggerated, but showed off brilliantly white teeth. One of his, already fairly arched, eyebrows raised with it. "My you've a knack for memory. Ever thought of becoming a doctor?"

"I- um- I'm actually studying... medicine... with my father..." I managed to splutter out. I gave him his total and he paid us with a currency only my father could recognize. My dad walked him out of the door and to his shop and I flopped forward on the counter. "That guy..." I started out loud before finishing the thought in my head: "has got some serious charisma."

"Ohohoho? A guy you say? Who is this mystery man?" I was knocked out of my thoughts to my aunt leaning on the other side of the counter. I looked to the left of her and saw Maddi. We did a little wave to each other as Aunt Miley sauntered around to my side of the counter. "Well... are you gonna tell us?"

"It wasn't anyone, Aunt Miley, just a new customer." I said, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.

"That's why you're blushing so hard?" Maddi asked, walking around to my other side, trapping me behind the counter between the two of them. "So~ what's his name?" They both started batting their lashes at me and I knew I was in deep shit.

"Um... haha... about that-"

"Charlie! I'm leaving to go shop, Miley can you come with me? And Maddi, your father said he needs you back home." I sighed in relief as my father called the two girls out, giving me a wink when neither of them were looking. 

The two of them groaned as they left the shop. My dad came over and gave me a small hug, like he always does before he leaves, and whispered to me, "he told me to call him Dr. Devorak, just so you know." Then, he left with a little wave. I blushed and started dusting the shop. I watched Rockson come in and out of the open shop windows, occasionally with a large, white rabbit who he's seemed to have befriended within the past week.

Dinner time approached quickly and everyone was still out, except Rockson and his friend. I made some food for myself, and something for the two animals to eat. Once I brought the food downstairs, I noticed the rabbit was all alone. "Hey there bud, are you feeling hungry?" I slowly walked to the mostly white animal. His dark brown ears perked up and he half-hopped to face me. I chuckled as I sat one of the small plates next to him. He immediately put his tiny little face into the food and started eating. "I guess so." I sat the other plate where Rockson usually sits for when he gets back. As I did, the door bell chimed. "You made it just in time," I said while turning around, "I was just about to-"

It was him again. Dr. Devorak. "About to close? Well then I'm very grateful I ran here."

"R-ran? Why?"

"Ah, the man that was working here with you earlier... he was talking to me about your training in medicine. Listen, if you ever want to intern at the clinic, we're always welcoming for help and the people around here are grateful to even get checked out for the sniffles." He smiled at me, and then noticed the rabbit behind me. "Who is this little guy? He wasn't here earlier."

Dr. Devorak went to pet the rabbit on the head, and he thumped. I hid a small giggle behind my hand. "I don't think he likes you. You've done nothing to gain his trust." I said between giggles. "Anyways, you asking about me interning does not sound like a reasonable excuse as to why you ran all the way here." I said, fully facing the rabbit, who has now flopped over waiting for Rockson to get back.

"Well I wanted to catch you before your shop closed. I have a habit of showing up late to things."

"Is that so? Then why are you a doctor?" I asked, only turning my head to side-eye him. He became flustered at this and rubbed the back of his neck. Before he could respond, I interrupted him, "I'm only joking. There's nothing wrong with being a tad bit late, as long as you get there before something bad happens, right?"

"Yes... haha, yeah." We stood in an awkward silence before he looked out of the open window and the rabbit got up. "What's his name?"

"Hmm..." I thought on it for a second. I looked into the rabbits red eyes and thought for a moment. We held the eye contact until a name came to me, almost like he was telling me himself what he wanted to be called. "Prospero. His name is Prospero."

The rabbit hopped off the ledge and began circling my feet. He then hopped all the way upstairs to our apartment area. "He seems ready for bed, and so am I. Remember that offer, I hope to see you in the clinic sometime."

"I'll think about it. Good evening Dr. Devorak."

"Good evening."

Past Memories ~ Julian DevorakWhere stories live. Discover now