Capitolo 6

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"I'm sure it was, are we ready to go in?" He asked us with a small smile. The two of us nodded and followed him inside. Once we were seated, my father ordered for us and we waited patiently. "So, how were your adventures? Did you see the fountain in the square? Or maybe the colosseum?"

"Well, we definitely saw... things." Aunt Miley glanced up at me before returning her gaze to the table. "What have you been up to, dear brother?"

"Oh... um, I've been out." He scratched his neck before beckoning us closer. "You can't tell anyone this, but I was at the palace all day. Dr. Devorak and I were talking, and his teacher has come to Vesuvia to check in on him. And apparently, they're related to the Countess Nadia! It was Nazali Satrinava can you believe it?" He said in an excited whisper.

"Really? That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you dad!" I quietly exclaimed. "What did you guys do in the palace? Was it cool? Were the Count and Countess kind? Give us some more deets!"

"Okay... okay! Well, they led the both of us to the palace and we toured around some parts of it. Nazali and Julian were talking about the palace and about the Count, and I was just... there! However, they made me swear to secrecy."

"They were talking shit, weren't they?" Aunt Miley asked. He nodded and the two of us giggled. "Did anything else happen?" She asked him, clearly referencing my mishap in the fields.

"Actually, yeah. While we were taking a small tea break, waiting for the Countess, I happened to glance towards the fields, and you'll never guess what I saw." He said, looking directly at me. "There was a little... boom." He made an explosion movement with his hands.

"A-ah, I see. Was it... very large?" I asked nervous. His demeanor fell and the disappointment was clear on his face.

"It was. Please tell me it wasn't either of you. Please."

"Harley..." He sighed and stopped her from continuing. "Harley they can't be stuffed up-"

"Miley! They're my child! They- they're my responsibility. I have to keep them safe." He started to yell, seemed to realize where we were and calmed himself down. "I don't want anything to happen to them, and staying within the city is the best way for that."

"Harley. Listen to me. This isn't how-"

"Well I'm not her! I didn't want Charlie learning magic in the first place!" My father started raising his voice. I looked around nervously, and noticed the other patrons whispering about us.

"Let's go outside Harley." Aunt Miley said, irritated, while standing up. A small breeze blew into the room, surrounding her and making her hair lift. "Now."

She walked out and my father followed her. He glanced back at me, shook his head, and continued following her. I pulled out my writing kit and left a note on the table. 'Dad, Aunt Miley, I went home. If you want me, I'll be sleeping. I've already probably ate at home. I hope you enjoyed your argument. Thanks for the birthday.' I left it with a waiter to give to them if they came back, and left through an alternative exit.

The Next Day

I woke up a little after the time the shop was meant to open, and walked downstairs. I was surprised to see no one home and the shop still closed. There was a knocking on the door and I rushed to open it. "Ah hello, sorry for the later... Dr. Devorak?"

"H-hi Charlie? Where's your father?" He asked, looking around.

I cleared my throat and looked away. "He's... out... I guess. Haven't seen him since I left last night."

"Right, since you- wait, huh?" His focus re-centered onto me and his eyes were full of concern. "You... left? Your birthday was yesterday, wasn't it? Why did you leave-"

"I-it's nothing. Do you... hmm... do you need anything." I asked, remembering last night and trying to hold back my emotions.

He looked between my eyes and nodded, "yeah, I need to stock back up on some new things. I know where everything is, don't worry." He said as I moved towards the counter and he entered the shop. We didn't say anything else until it came to the transaction. "You know, um, your father and I are friends. He loves you a lot, most of our conversations are about you. He's really proud of you, y'know." He gave a small smile before leaving.

As soon as the door closed, I crumpled to the ground and cried. 'If he really loved me, if he was actually proud of me, why would he fight his own sister? Why would he yell about my mother? Why would he be angry that I want to learn ways to protect us? It's my own fault that this happened. I wanted to leave the city. I caused the explosion. I lied to my father. Its my fault. Mine. Mine Mine!' My mind screamed at me. I closed the shop and ran upstairs. I grabbed every book I could carry and made my way to the bathroom. I locked myself inside and sat in the tub, studying feverishly until my eyes and hands couldn't take it anymore. 'I'll do as my father wants this time,' I thought while scribbling out notes, my tears of frustration making the ink glob the dots of my i's and smudging the crosses of my t's. 'I won't do magic unless it's absolutely necessary. I won't disappoint my father again.'

"Charlie! Charlie where are you?" I heard a sad voice desperately crying out my name. "Charlie please we need to talk."

The door knob jiggled and the lock clicked. As it swung open, I saw Aunt Miley with smudged makeup from crying standing in the doorway. Behind her was my father with disheveled hair. "Oh my god my baby!" My father cried out as he scooped me out of the tub and into a hug. "When I didn't see you back in the restaurant last night I started searching the city! I should've listened to Miley when she suggested you left a note. I'm so sorry my darling dear." He finally set me down and looked me over. Then he looked in the tub and saw all of my studies.

He sighed and picked up my most recent notes page. "I-I don't wanna disappoint you again. I'm sorry about yes-"

"Why? It's both of our faults. I should have respected your fathers wishes and he needs to let loose just a little bit more. We ruined your birthday, and we have no way of making it up to you. Please forgive us." Aunt Miley said, more tears forming in her eyes.

My eyes started to get foggy from tears and I pulled them both into a hug. "Of course I forgive you! As long as we can put it all behind us?" I said while lightly crying.

The hug was long and soon my father decided we should all clean up and him and I need to get to work.

"So... where have you two been all night anyway?" I finally asked them while walking down the stairs. 

"O-oh, uh hmm. Well..." Aunt Miley started, "your father kinda... detoured... to The Rowdy Raven." I turned to see my dad with a bright flush on his face. "He was only a little drunk, but he refused to leave until he was sober."

Past Memories ~ Julian DevorakWhere stories live. Discover now