Capitolo 5

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The flames grew larger and Prospero and Rockson ran back into the city. "Aunt Miley, you wouldn't happen to know any water spells, would you?" I asked in a panic.

"Um... not off the top of my head!" She responded. We started desperately stomping out the flames, but it was growing too large. "Curse dry fields! I thought it rained last night? Surely... it didn't all evaporate... while we practiced." She started using her magic to make the wind pick up and kept the fire centralized within her mini tornado. "That should hold... for now. Grab one of those books out of your bag and start looking for anything that can help us." She told me calmly.

"I'm sorry Aunt Miley, I should've made it a wind ball like yours, or something else completely. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, dear, it isn't your fault. I decided to come out here, I dried out the fields, and I told you to make an explosion. None of this was because of you." We smiled at each other and I quickly started looking for a solution.

"We aren't too far from the aqueducts! I can try a portal spell!" Aunt Miley nodded along with my idea, wearily. She's been doing magic all day and holding this spell for so long is tiring her out. I start focusing my mind on transferring water to the fire, and soon hear Aunt Miley gasp and fall to the ground.

I look over to see a large puddle where the fire once was and my aunt gasping for air. "That was amazing Charlie! Now lets get back to town before your father starts looking for us."

"C-can I help?" We both turned to see someone, about my age, walking towards us. "I-I mean, I just saw the explosion near the palace, and I wanted to make sure no one was hurt. And as I was coming this way, my familiar ran into these two lovely animals running through town and he told me what they told him, and so I got here even faster than I could."

"Calm down there, take a breath before you continue." Aunt Miley interrupted her. They did as she said and took a few calming breathes while placing Prospero and Rockson on the ground.

"The guards are on their way to investigate it. They might arrest you." They finished. Aunt Miley and I shared a panicked glance before grabbing all of our things and following her. "I'm Emilia, by the way, Emilia Stone. I'm a magician myself. Not one like you two, I practice herbal medicine. I use special plants and herbs and stuff to make potions or food or whatever. Although, you two probably already know about herbal magics. Especially whoever made that huge explosion. That was so cool!" She rambled, clearly nervous and trying to distract themself as much as us.

"I'm Miley Calhoun and this is Charlie Calhoun. Did you say you saw it from the palace?"

"Mhmm, it was quite tall. Reached over the aqueducts. Of course, you'd have to've been looking in that direction to see it. And the sound wasn't that loud, I could barely hear it over the palace hustle and bustle." She finished with a dismissive wave of their hand. "As long as you don't get caught by the palace guards you're fine, probably, lucky for you I know just where to go!"

They toured us through the South End of Vesuvia, through allies and behind building, before we came upon a tavern. "The Rowdy Raven? How do you know about this place, Emilia? Aren't you, like, 16?"

"Well, yes, but look- I grew up in this area, well really in the Flooded District, but, well, y'know, so I moved here and-"

"That's enough, Emilia, you don't need to ramble to every person you meet." A tall man said behind her. Her eyes widened and they turned around slowly. He had an exasperated, but fond smile to him. "I'm very sorry for my child, its been awhile since they've talked to people that aren't regulars in the bar." The man apologized for her.

"It's quite alright! I'm Miley-"

"Miley? Miley Calhoun?" He interrupted.

"Um... yes... I'm sorry, but do I know you?" She asked, slightly backing away. "You don't seem familiar."

"Oh, my apologizes, I'm the man you bought that duplex from some time ago. Of course, I've aged since then, so you clearly wouldn't recognize me." I looked between my aunt and the stranger. Then I glanced at Emilia who shrugged their shoulders and went inside the tavern. "You look great, by the way. Like you haven't aged at all." He said with a grin that his large beard couldn't mask.

Aunt Miley gave him a look that was undecipherable before nodding. "Right... anyway! It was great seeing you again, and thank you so much for selling that building to me, but we really have to go. We're meeting their father for dinner tonight." She gestured towards me and he acknowledged my existence for the first time since I arrived there.

"Oh... is this your child?"

"No. I'm their aunt. Now if you'll excuse us- your child just went into a tavern, and I'd really rather not have that influence on my brother's child."

"Are you calling me a bad father?" The man gruffed. His chest puffed and his voice was lower. Aunt Miley stood in front of me and stood to her full height, which was about the same as him. Neither of them showed any fear, but I could see Aunt Miley's hand start to ball up some clouds like from earlier today.

"All I'm saying is that it seems oddly irresponsible to allow your child to witness the drinking habits of you and the other patrons here."

"I'll have you know the only reason Emilia and I frequent here is because I own this building, and I like to check in on the guests staying in the inn! Because I know that the first floor is a rambunctious tavern!" The man yelled back. He huffed and calmed himself down, and Aunt Miley put out her magic ball. "I want them to take over for me one day so I take her along to show her how I run things."

"I didn't know. I request you accept my sincerest apologies, and we'll leave you and your child to your business. I am deeply, truly sorry for assuming you-"

"It's alright, you haven't been back in years. Next time, though, you owe me a drink." He said with a gravely laugh. Aunt Miley and I chuckled nervously with him and went on our way.

According to Aunt Miley, Rockson was tailing my father and he had told Rockson he wanted to meet us at an underground tea house just outside of the South End. We started towards it, and as we approached the front entrance, my father was waiting outside the door for us.

"Dad!" I yelled out as I ran to embrace him. He smiled and hugged me back. "Aunt Miley and I had a crazy day today! Vesuvia is amazing!"

Past Memories ~ Julian DevorakWhere stories live. Discover now