Capitolo 8

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Once I was safely out the door, I made my way through the mostly empty market to go to the palace. There was one vendor, and he seemed to be packing up. "Excuse me," I shouted, quickly making my way to him. He had the most beautiful white, curly hair I'd ever seen. Paired with his dark skin, he is truly gorgeous. I looked at his table and saw nothing but white, animal-shaped masks. "Are these for sale?"

"Yes, but, are you sure you want these?" He asked. There was a gaze in his eyes I couldn't quite place, and I was engulfed in them. I shook the thoughts and nodded hastily. He grabbed a cat-shaped one and held it up to my face. "This one should do the trick. Just give me a moment."

"Sir, with all due respect -"

"Sir?" He cut me off with a scoff. "I am 16 years old. I am no, sir." He smiled as he sassed me. He handed me the previously white mask, now covered with the colors of my dress and gold detailing. "My name is Asra, by the way."

"Asra... how did you do this?" I asked, astonished. I started to fasten the mask to my face without a second thought.

He grinned and, with a dramatic flourish, brought the masks to float around him. "Magic, of course."

My eyes went wide, and I gasped. "Y-you can't do that around here! What if Count Lucio finds out?"

Asra rolled his eyes, and the masks returned to their place on the table. "Fuck Lucio. He can't touch me, even if he tried." I gasped. This was my first time hearing someone bad mouth the count before. "He's already fucked me over more times than I can count. He is not gonna take away the last thing I have of my parents."

That put my mind on pause. "You're an orphan?" I asked, genuinely concerned for this stranger.

He nodded and handed me the mask, which I gently took with a polite smile. "My parents were both magicians, and Lucio captured them when I was very young. I haven't seen them since, but I know they're alive. I can feel it."

I smiled and looked at the mask. "I know it's odd, but did you want to go to the ball with me? I'm going alone, and I'd rather have a magician like you in case something bad happens." I shrugged, attempting to hide my blush. "And, to stick it to Lucio, I think you should go as you are. It'll take the spotlight off of him." I say with a wink.

He contemplates it for a moment, and then another mask appears in his hand. It's shaped like a fox, and I smile. "So we're somewhat matching." He says while fastening it to his head. He bows down and extends his hand. "Shall we?"

I place my hand in his dramatically, "We shall."

We laughed and joked on the way to the stairs of the palace. I stopped dead in my tracks and admired the large building. The elaborate, delicate detail of each of the towers and levels was visible from a far distance. The stairs had meticulously placed golden flakes along the middle as if to lead you up them. "Is this your first time seeing the palace?" He asked me. He was stopped next to me, watching my face. All I could do was nod. "Wait till you get inside."

We made our way in, and I was greeted with an even grander sight. Vesuvians filled the room to the brim dancing and laughing away. There was a grand staircase in the middle of the room and a throne sat at the top of it. Sitting in the seat was a handsome blonde man wearing furs and gold. One of his sleeves was even gold. He was resting his chin on his hand, almost bored, until he saw Asra and I and grinned.

He moved to stand, and Asra immediately rushed us into the crowd. "Asra...?"

"That guy at the top, that's Lucio." He told me, dragging me through the dancers and towards one of the halls. "He won't follow us around 'cause he has to be the center of attention, so maybe we'll get to enjoy this party."

"Surely we're not running from him for any other reason."

He stopped and looked at me. "I am not running. I just don't want to hear his grimy little voice."

I nodded, still being slightly judgmental, but following his lead regardless. He led me into a small room with dim lighting. It was odd compared to the rest of the scenery. There was soft music and the only light in the room was small blue orbs on the ceiling.

They let out a faint glow, just enough that I could see three other people in the room and there was a mist in the air. Two of the guests were leaning against a lounge couch where the other person was lying down.

They glanced at us as the door closed, and Asra moved to the back of the room. "Asra?" I whisper as we sit down on a couch against the wall.

"Let's sit for a moment." He sighs out, stretching himself out. I sat straight, looking around anxiously.

The people that were in here before us left after a couple of minutes and the trail of smoke followed them. "Asra, do you not like dancing or something?" I asked, breaking the weird silence. I didn't feel comfortable sitting alone with a stranger.

"It's not that, I'm just not a party person." He shrugged. I stood up and moved my dress around.

The sound of the music got slower, yet louder. It was a beautiful tune. "Then why are you here? Why did you agree to come with me?"

He stood up as well. "I thought you were too pretty to be here alone." He took one of my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. "We can dance all we want in here. If that's what you'd like?"

I blushed, hoping he couldn't see it in the dim room. "That would be lovely." When the next song started, we began to waltz in the room alone. "I apologize if I'm not the best, I've never really been taught."

"Just follow my lead." He said calmly. He kept a hand on my waist and I had a hand holding the back of his neck. I stared at his face while he concentrated on not letting me step on his feet. "You're doing great."

"Thank you, Asra."

"No problem, Charlie."

I pulled away from him swiftly. "I... I never told you my name. Are you a spy or something?" I kept a hand behind me, ready to use magic against magic, and he just backed away slowly with his arms raised.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know you from Selasi, he sells the best bread in Vesuvia! I swear I'm not a stalker or anything." His words were genuine, and he was right about Selasi, but I still couldn't trust him.

"I have to go. I'm supposed to find Selasi before the night ends." I made my way to the door, but before I opened it I turned back to Asra. He had a disappointed look on his face. "I'm sorry, Asra."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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