Capitolo 7

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The rest of the year passed by like a blur. My father became more strict with the shop, and Aunt Miley stopped coming over as much and started spending more time with Selasi. My dad and I suspected they were dating or that something more was going on, but Maddi reassured us that they were just really close.

As for the tall doctor, he rarely came in anymore. It was usually only once-a-month visits, but it was always when I was stocking shelves or studying in the window with Prospero. I would look up from my studies to see him glancing away from me quickly, and it would always put a blush or smile on my face. I knew it didn't mean anything to him. He was probably just being awkward, but I thought it was cute.

I could tell my crush was growing, but it stayed unreciprocated. He was a full adult, and I was only 17. I talked about him with Maddi, and, of course, she didn't understand where I was coming from, but I didn't care.

The beginning of the new year came, and preparations for Count Lucios' birthday masquerade were coming to an end as the date rolled near.

It was the week before the party when the doctor came into the shop. Miley was upstairs, and my father was out to buy more ingredients for his medicines, so I was left all alone to watch the store. "You aren't closed yet, are you, Charlie?" He asked me with a grin.

"Not quite, doctor. Are you getting the same as last then?" I asked as I started to grab his items from the shelf.

He chuckled, but it didn't sound the same as the one I heard when my father was working. It sounded more forced; as I realized that, he rushed into a question. "So, Charlie, has your father said anything about the party this year?"

I thought back on it, slowly putting everything in front of me for him to grab. "Now that you mention it... I don't think he's brought it up ever. Neither has Aunt Miley." I gave him a questioning smile, expecting him to ask me to attend with him. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, your father - no, I shouldn't say, it's not my place to tell you." He laid his money on the counter and left in haste. "Have a good day!" He shouted behind him as the door closed shut.

My brow stayed furrowed as I locked the door and turned off the store light. A few moments later, while I was reading upstairs with my aunt, my father flops on the bed next to us.

I haven't said anything yet, so I slap my anatomy book closed and stare at him. "Were you gonna ground me from going to the count's birthday party?" I asked bluntly.

My dad sputtered and scrambled to sit up, and once he did, Miley also closed her book and looked at him curiously. He looked between the two of us before stuttering and coughing. Once he calmed down from his dramatics, he finally responded. "No, I don't even know who would have told you that -"

I cut him off quickly "Doctor Devorak asked if you had said anything, and given that I can only go to certain parts of the city, I just assumed I couldn't go to the party as well."

He gaped at me and then shook his head. "No, I was going to let you go with Maddi and Selasi. He told me that helps to cater, so they go every year. I felt it would be safer than what I've heard happens on our street those nights." He said, finishing his statement by glancing at Aunt Miley, who simply shrugged at the comment.

My eyes widened, and I threw myself on my father to hug him. "Thank you so much, dad! I'm gonna start working on my dress right away!" I exclaimed. I then jumped off the bed and raided the closet for some fabrics. 

"Charlie, honey, not tonight. We should get some sleep." My aunt sighed and talked to me calmly while picking herself up off the bed. "I can take you shopping for something tomorrow if you like."

I grinned and threw myself under the covers. "I'm already asleep!" And soon after, I somehow dozed off.

The next couple of days were spent in the Temple District shopping for fabrics and jewels, and whatever else looked interesting. "My Gods Charlie, we have enough here for the next couple of years." Mylie huffed, we both had yards of fabric on our arms, and it was getting heavy.

"It's my first dance, sorry I'm so picky." I dropped the fabrics gently in front of me and sighed. "Aunt Miley, I can't carry these any further." I went to use my magic, but she zapped me with hers.

"Not... here..." She whispered to me, giving me her fabrics and picking up my load. "It's not safe to use in these parts." She put her pile in my arms and walked to another shop. I watched her buy a large bag and when she came out she loaded most into the bag.

I carried the rest and followed her into the allies. "Why is it dangerous?" I asked as she opened a portal and placed the bag through it.

She started placing the piles from my arms through the portal and growled. "That idiot count made it impossible for any mage to live freely in Vesuvia. He arrested most of them a few years after you were born."

"Why would he do that? Does he have something against magic?" I asked her. She scoffed and shrugged her shoulders, closing the portal in the process.

"All I know is: you need to be careful where you use your magic." She gave me the advice while holding my hands. She smiled when I nodded and kissed my knuckles. "Let's go home. We've got a dress to make.

For the rest of the night, we threw something together, and by the next morning, we had finished the dress. Miley and I flopped on my bed, and I heard her softly snore. Eventually, I joined her.

I was rudely awakened by my father violently shaking me. "Charlie! Charlie, wake up! You're going to miss the ball!" My eyes shot open, and I jumped up.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! I don't even have a mask!" I shouted while running into the bathroom and throwing on the dress that we practically just finished. "What am I going to do at a masked party with no mask?"

"I'm sure there's a vendor nearby that will have some decent masks, we can start on next year's dress and mask once you get back, yeah?" Aunt Miley rushed while fixing my hair in a simple style and securing it with a bright pink bow. "This has a faint magic on it so we can follow you in case anything happens, alright?"

I touched it lightly and admired myself in the mirror, "yes that's fine." I then shot up once I heard loud laughter in the streets. "I'd better head out now! I'll see you all tomorrow!"

Past Memories ~ Julian DevorakWhere stories live. Discover now