December 21, 2021

442 8 1

Hi! I forgot to mention yesterday that i built a den, i was having a mental shift in it while meditating and my mom came in my room 😅 Today is gonna be fun my friend is coming over!! I think im gonna show her my Wattpad and my quads today. I cut my finger open 😿 Also yesterday my cat got soap in her eye and it was so sad 😭 But i praticed my quads also a little bit and im definitly improving!! I also got these cat paws from a long time ago (their my sisters shh dont tell anyone) but il put it as the chapter pic! Nothing really happend today besides the dream i had but i guess im just gonna wait and see what happens. 

1:08-1:35 update: my friend is here! 

💗For now, -ace⭐️

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