July 6 , 2022

114 4 2

Today was.. amazing!!!!

I shifted quite a lot today, im wearing my comfy elementry school shirt, petting my black cat. Lifes good.

So i was outside at like.. i would say a pinky cloud afternoon if that makes sense >w< and i was just jumping and trotting and pouncing all over my backyard, then i went in the garden which was fun i love it there!! After all that i just sat on the dog house roof for a good 5 minutes just looking at the neighbors dead tree and the pink sky surrounded by power lines and fencing. You may not call it magical, but i sure did.

Whats your favourite time of day? Mines dusk and cloudy/foggy afternoons!! owo have a good night/day!

~wings spread like a angel,

growling low as a tiger,

as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as lustfull as a lion,

as strong as wolfs,

as happy as a horse.

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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