June 13-18, 2022

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June 13 and 14: can't remember anything... hmm 

June 15: my birthday! Had heartshaped pancakes for breakfast, kinda boring, got a space themed birthday pencil!!

June 16: my pool party! Had fun, ate cake yknow the usual! I got pushed in to the pool tho, got a note book from my friend so im gonna make that my therian diary!  >:( it was kinda freezing that day so i was mad abt that.

June 17: nothing happend. It was friday uhh i had a math test it was boring!! Oh wait no i made a fathers day card thats very pretty but thats about all!

June 18 (today!): gonna have another birthday party today with family!  Cat shifted today, orderd cat masks for my lioness theriotype and got grey toe bean socks, update with more later

 ~As swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as lustfull as a lion,

as strong as a wolf.

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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