Feb 17, 2022

271 5 0

Ok i know i know i havnt posted since um yknow but its ok because i have lots of things i wanna share today!! 

So that "giant checkerd rabbit theriotype" was a phase, im sorry to keep assuming so quickly and i wont do that again BUT i do have possible theriotypes and even maybe a kintype! 

Possible theriotypes: cheetah or leopard (had a couple cameo shifts of one of these two)

Possible kintype: blueberry cream tiger (something i made up that i think just fits everything about me, my personality, my moods, everything.)

And #2 on my list isnt that big of a deal but i made a little "caution rabid dog sign" for my bed i hung it up and i just think it fits me so well, i also redid my collar, took off some charms added stuff all that stuff.

The last thing is: i might get a crystal necklace ive always wanted one and im so happy!

Ill update you in a couple days, or a month cuz right now my cat isnt doing well and i need to take a flight back home {cuz im at a resort right now} so yea.

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