June 5, 2022

168 3 1

Hiiii!!! I have exicting news today (atleast for me) im going to take pictures on a feild trip this friday!! Thats not the news but i just wanted to includ it X3 , so...

I finally found out my theriotypes! Ive been questioning for a LONGGGGGGGGGG time.. but heres my newest theriotype: african lioness!! At first i thought i was a abyssian cat, then cougar, but im actually a lioness! :3 

Heres a list and info of all my theriotypes:

-timber wolf, male, had a mate (black timber wolf) and 2-3 pups (all timber wolves)

-tortishell cat, female, housecat; was named "lace" and nicknamed "lacie"

-black panther, female, had 2 cubs

-african lioness, female, not much info yet

-simargl (winged dog), agender, nicknamed "angel"

-blueberry cream tiger, non-binary

-grey labrador, female, nicknamed "bones", fictionkintype from the "survivors" books

Hope you liked this page X3 , again, if you wanna join my pack just message me :3

🌕Very happy! -ace🍂

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