June 26 (27) , 2022

143 7 4

Went outside at like 9 pm, it just stopped raining. I was doing quads with a nice warm breeze against me and damp grass beneath me. It was nice, very nice to be honest.

And then....., *shift* woahhhh cool but then i got out of my shift which was sad, i climbed on the dog house, sat, and watched the sun set. AND THEN MY DAD CALLED ME >:'/ whatever but it was fun out there atleast.

On another note; i went somewhere today. Hm, it made me kinda shifty cuz of all the smells and flowers and yeayeayea. I went on the giant feris wheel which was, id say, honestly terrifying. I actually cried when we got stuck at the top, not lying. I also went in a fun house and it reminded me of the backrooms, haha. 

There was this sled dog statue and i got to pose with it, and we went into a pelt shop thingy to look at all the history of fur trading, then i saw it. The fricken timber wolf pelt. I was so. Fricken. Exicted. Anyway, im gonna continue reading inanimate insanity fanfics, bye!

~wings spread like a angel,

growling low as a tiger,

as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as lustfull as a lion,

as strong as wolfs.

Stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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