Chapter 7

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-Author's Note-

Beware as there are mentions of blood here due to fighting. As well as scenes not made for the faint of heart afterwards. Tread lightly those who don't do well with it.

??? POV

So this is where he comes to escape his job huh? I was able to figure out the AU of where Reaper seems to vanish into. And what a quite pitiful place this is. I looked to my right and found a skeleton in mostly white and a bright red scarf, his back facing me. It clicked in my mind; an evil smile crawled onto my face as I realized how important this person has to be if they were willing to hide them from everyone.

I went a little closer to see what he looked like in front but soon stopped as he turned his head right at me. He had glitches over his right eye and what looked to be the beginnings of an ugly scar across his torso.

"Who's there?!" he yelled. What? He shouldn't be able to sense me. I went towards his left but even then he continued to look at me. He stood up and summoned a sharpened bone. Like that's gonna do anything to me. But back on the topic he looked straight at my soul. There's definitely something off about this skeleton Reaper seems ever so fond of.

He stood up and took a few steps towards me. If I didn't think he knew I was here then I know now that he definitely knows about my existence. "Who are you?!"

"Seems like you caught me loner." I knew by now that hiding myself behind the invisibility spell was useless, so I revealed myself. Scythe and all. His expression turned to one of recognition and anger.

"Oh. So you know me huh? Did dear ol' Reaper tell you about me?" He snarled at me. Good, better to piss him off more then end him while his emotions are out of place. However it seems that he's mad about how I said or worded it. Doesn't seem like he's noticed himself though. "How generous of him. Although it seems that you were to be dead long ago." He gave me a 'Why?' look. So I answered, "Let's fix that shall we?"

Geno's POV

I felt my face paled a little. Chaos is here. Why? Weren't they supposed to be messing around in another timeline? Whatever Reaper is supposed to be here within another 10 or 20 minutes. All I have to do is stall then he can get the other gods or something.

"Oh. So you know me huh? Did dear ol' Reaper tell you about me?" I snarled at them. They don't know anything about him. "How generous of him. Although it seems that you were to be dead long ago." I raised a brow as to ask why they would mention that. "Let's fix that shall we?"

I sidestepped when she came at me. I gripped the bone in my hand, reminding myself that all I had to do was dodge the her attacks until Reaper came. And hopefully soon. She came back at me swinging the scythe but I slid under and slashed them at the leg with the bone. Some blood leaking out, not a lot as the place nullified the pain but enough. The attack wasn't much but it would be able to add up to much more later on.

Besides, you can't heal in the Save Screen either.

Reaper's POV

(A few minutes ago)

I finally finished my daily quota of souls and was about to head to Geno's AU before my brother appeared next to me. "Bro? What are you doing here?"


"Why? What happened?"


I immediately opened a portal to the castle with Pap following. I closed it and we went rushing through the castle towards Alphys's room. When we arrived the others were gathered around the map of AUs pinpointing their exact location.

DISCONTINUED (Rewritting!) - Just Another Afterdeath FanficWhere stories live. Discover now