24: Always Have a Home

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The lovers laid in each other's arms, their eyes stared at each other as they communicated without words.

"Are you alright?" Bas asked Mara as she rested her face on his chest, his hand lazily stroking over her bare arm.

"Yes," she twists and looks up at him, "I'm very happy."

"Good, good." He nodded his head and tried to swallow down his nerves. He cared about Mara so much and he was frightened he could lose her.

"In Andonia," he continued, "I want you to know that you will always have a home with me."

"Really?" A weight lifted off her chest, the fear of what would happen once the ship docked had finally vanished.

"In whatever capacity you want, of course." Bas floundered, "I just want you to know you have a home with me."

"Thank you, Bastian." She smiled and kissed his chest affectionately.

"What was life like, in Sousmonté?" Bas asked as he pulled her impossibly closer to him. All he wanted was to feel her body close to his like this, forever hopefully.

"It- it wasn't easy. The priestesses were cruel and trained us for perfection."

Bas swallowed as she spoke, nodding his head even though she couldn't see him.

"Did you parents do anything?" Bas' thoughts settled on the scars on Mara's back, he couldn't imagine how a parent could ever allow their child to suffer like that.

Mara smiled softly and snuggled closer into his chest.

"The girls who were trained came from three places, and three places only. You were either an orphan, found on the streets, or your parents sold you to the priestesses."

"Oh," Bas felt foolish for asking a question so carelessly, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't know," Mara soothed, "I'm the stuff of legend, not reality."

Bas chuckled at her comment and bent down to give her another kiss.

"This," Bas squeezed her hand supportively, "this is perfect."

Mara nodded her head and smiled, she couldn't agree more. She had wanted to be close to Bas, to feel him everywhere, and now she had, she knew she could never go back from it.

"Mara," Bas broke the silence, "do, do you need some contraceptive potion? I- I think I might have some tucked away in my things."

Mara smiled at the care and consideration Bas was taking over her, it was more than she could ever have imagined.

"No, I won't need any."

Bas felt Mara tense as she spoke and even though he was intrigued to know as to why she didn't need it, he knew now wasn't the time.

"As part of your initiation," Mara began, sitting up so she could look down at Bas, a cloth covered over her breasts. "They give you a draught. I say give, you have no choice either way.

They give it to you on the day of your first monthly. Then they stop, for some girls, they said, it would return after a few months and they would take it again, and then the cycle would continue again. For others..."

Mara trailed off for a moment as she took a deep breath, she had never spoken of this before to anyone, and speaking of it made it real. She couldn't deny it to herself anymore, saying it made it real.

"For others it wouldn't come back, and if it didn't then it never would."

"Oh." Bas stared at Mara with more sympathy than he knew possible, "I'm so sorry you lived like that, Mara."

"It's just the way things are."

Mara shrugged and then rested her head back down on his chest.

"Will I still have a home with you?" Mara asked, nervous that with this new development, Bas may have changed his mind.

"Of course. I want you with me, every day."

Their happy moment was brought to an end by a thumping at the door. A voice through the wood shouted that there were rough seas ahead, and they needed their Captain.

Bas pressed a kiss to Mara's head before left the bed. As he began to dress, he watched in surprise as Mara got out of bed too.

She dressed silently alongside him, it seemed as if they had already found their own rhythm.

"What are you doing?" Bas finally asked as his interest reached its limit.

"I'm coming with you." Mara replied, "I have good sea legs, and any way, you said you always wanted me with you."

Bas couldn't help but nod in agreement, he knew she was right.

Pulling her to his side by her hips, Bas and Mara walked out of the cabin and into the watchful eyes of the men.

After the sea had calmed, Bas and Mara collapsed awkwardly onto the narrow bed and curled up instinctively into each other's arms.

"How long until we arrive in Andonia?" Mara asked, she sensed they must nearly be docking, but she was so eager to step on a land free of disease.

"About a week, maybe six days if the wind is good."

"Thank goodness," Mara smiled, "I'm desperate to see trees again."

Bas chuckled, a deep rich tone that reverberated around Mara's chest.

"And I hope to feed you some food that isn't crackers or pickled food."

"I don't mind it." Mara admitted, "it's similar to the food I ate after Sousmonté fell."

"Well then that's all the more reason for me to treat you to more exciting food."

"Well then, I look forward to being spoilt." Mara teased making Bad chuckle once again.

He enjoyed this more relaxed version of Mara, she was cunning like a cat, and equally graceful, but now she was soft and warm as well as the rest, and he loved it about her.

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