35: Genus Zantedeschia

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Bas yawned as he sat on a chair beside both his girls. One hand was in Mara's and the other lay draped in the drawer where his daughter was sleeping.

Mara had slept for over five hours, but the doctor reassured him that she would be waking up soon. As if on cue, Mara's hand twitched under his and his eyes instantly flew to her face.

"Mara?" He stood and stared down at her as her eyelashes fluttered.

"Bas?" She hummed out as her eyes slowly opened.

"I'm here, angel. I'm here now." Bas clutched her hand as gently as he could muster and Mara's eyes finally opened properly.

Confused, she frowned. She could remember everything, the labour, the baby, the blood. The one thing she wasn't sure about was if it was true.

"Is she here?" She croaked out and smiled as Bas' eyes lit up.

"Yes, she's here." He let go of her hand and crouched down over the drawer.

He lifted her tiny body up against his chest, pulling the shirt he had wrapped her in after her bath.

"Here she is." He cooed as he laid down their beautiful baby beside Mara.

She was too weak to hold him, but Bas carefully placed her down so Mara could look at her.

"Is she really ours?"

"Yes." Bas beamed down at his girls, "every inch of her is ours."

"B-but how?"

"I will explain it to you, but then you need to rest again, ok? You lost a lot of blood."

After Bas explained everything to her, Mara's eyes were fluttering with exhaustion.

"You need to sleep, beautiful. You just rest and I'll look after you, both of you."

Mara hummed with happiness as Bas scooped up their daughter and rocked her against his chest.

"Don't think I have forgotten about you looking me up." Mara smirked and Bas chuckled.

Even in her post-haemorrhage state, Mara was a fierce woman.

"Oh, I know." He chuckled again before bending down and giving her a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I know what I want to call her." Mara murmured sleepily as she drifted off under Bas' watchful gaze.

"What, baby?"

"Calla." Bas' heart ached, "for Bayen."

"Calla." Bas spoke, looking down at his daughter. "It's perfect."

"I know." Mara hummed happily before she allowed herself to sleep once again.

Mara slept for hours and finally colour claimed her cheeks again. Bas carefully helped her to sit up, propping cushions and pillows behind her until Mara smiled and waves him away.

"Come here." Mara pouted as Calla squealed awake in her bed.

Bas smiled and lifted up the wriggling baby. Mara watched him with so much love in her eyes, she couldn't believe how well Bas had stepped into the role of father.

"Here she is." He stated proudly as he passed Calla over into her mother's arms for the first time since her birth.

Mara gasped as she stared down at her beautiful, beautiful baby girl. Bas walked around the bed and laid down beside Mara so he could stare at the both.

"What's that?" He asked after moments of silent admiration for their daughter.

"I-I don't know." Mara panicked as Calla's mouth was open and her head searched for something.

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