36: Promise?

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"And this is the stern." Bas murmured as he carried Calla around the ship, giving her a daily walk in the fresh air while the sun was still warming the ship.

Hands wrapped around him from behind and he smiled, Mara.

"You ok, gorgeous?" He asked as he spun around, handing off his daughter to her mother.

"Yeah." Mara sighed tiredly, "I'll go feed her."

Bas watched with a frown as Mara carried their daughter back towards the cabin which had become their home these last few weeks.

They would be docking in Zauros tomorrow and then they would be on their way back to Andonia. Bas couldn't wait to get his little family back home and safe.

"You can feed her out here if you want." Bas called out, he never wanted Mara to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

She walked back over to him with a gentle smile, Calla cooing in her arms.

"She needs to be warm, Bas," she explained, leaning her head on his chest, "or she won't feed."

"Oh," Bas looked at Mara in the eye and felt rather silly, he didn't know anything about babies or being a father, it scared him more than he would admit.

Calla began to grizzle so Mara began to rock her, soothing her with a gentle voice.

"Come with me." Mara encouraged, smiling as Bas dutifully followed after her.

She sat on the chair and Bas immediately covered her legs with a blanket, it was as if he believed a slight draft could injure her.

Calla fed hungrily as Bas and Mara spoke of their home back in Andonia.

"I want Mildred to have every Friday off." Mara began, "and I want you to have Friday afternoons off."

"Ok, baby." Bas chuckled, stroking a finger over her knuckles, "are you thirsty?"

"Yes." Mara whined and Bas chuckled again.

He walked down to the kitchen to fetch some water and then returned with the glass. When he reentered the room, he found both of his girls fast asleep, Mara's hands tightly clutching at Calla even in sleep.

Smiling, Bas placed the glass down and lifted a drowsy Calla into his own arms.

"Nap time, flower." Bas cooed as he carefully laid her in the makeshift cot.

Then, turning back to Mara, he lifted her off the wooden chair and carried her over to the bed. Kissing her brow, he let her sleep.

He would have to go out for most of the evening today, meaning Mara would have to watch Calla herself. Bas didn't want to leave them, but if he didn't get a deal on the cargo, there would be no money and he had to provide for his family now.

An hour before Bas had to leave, he woke Mara with Calla in his arms. It was like he couldn't put her down, the moment she left his arms, it felt like he was missing something. He had the same sensation with Mara, but at least when he left Mara, he knew she could handle herself. Calla was so helpless and vulnerable.

"Do you have to go?" Mara checked once again as Bas dressed into a more formal outfit.

He sighed at her disappointment but nodded, "I'll be back before midnight, I promise."

"Fine," Mara scowled, "but if you come back drunk, you're sleeping on the floor."

Bas laughed aloud, assuming she was joking but he soon realised she wasn't. Mara raised an eyebrow at him as his laugher died out.

"I'm serious Bas, if you come home drunk I'll have no one to help me with Calla, and I want you to set a good example for you daughter."

"I promise, beautiful." Bas bent down and kissed both of his girls on the cheek.

Calla blinked her eyes open and stared up at her father, they were unseeing as she still had a few weeks before they could focus, but even so, Bas hoped she knew it was him.

"Go on then." Mara smiled, "but I want you back, as quickly as possible."

"I promise, my love. There is nothing I wish for more than to be able to stay here tonight."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you feel bad." Mara looked up at him with a twinge of anxiety in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Bas asked, settling down on the bed so he could work out what is bothering Mara so.

"I just..." she trailed off and stroked the milky spots on Calla's nose, "I just worry that maybe you won't want to come back..."

"What?" Bas choked out, staring over at Mara as she bit her lip anxiously, "that's what was bothering you?"

"Well... yeah."

"Oh my darling," Bas leant forwards and captured Mara's lips in a gentle kiss, "please, believe me. Nothing in this world could change my desire to return home to you, to our family."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Bas kissed her lips again, then her cheeks and then her forehead, making a mwah sound which made Mara giggle.

"Now I really have to go." Bas sighed and reluctantly dragged himself out of the room, "I love you."

"I love you too!" Mara called out as Bas shut the door behind him.

"Oh my beautiful girl." Mara cooed over Calla as she offered her a fingertip to comfort suck on.

"It's nearly time for your bedtime, isn't it my angel."

Mara got out of bed and shifted Calla onto her other shoulder.

"Let's go get you some warm water for your bath."

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