Objective one: save the child

125 7 4

AUG 15th, 2038


The Android stood in the slow-moving elevator ,that made a ding sound every floor it went up, to the penthouse tossing a coin in the air and rolling it along its knuckles, you'd think the metal coin would clank and clash against the metal android, but its soft synthetic skin stopped the horrible noise occurring. (Y/n) model k800 #313 248 317 the one and only android created and tasked with investigating the latest deviant cases in Detroit. Deviants where just like you and me hell they looked talked and could act like humans but they where machines created only to serve as a, partner, friend, maid, servant. Slave. They had no rights no freedom, but little to Detroit's knowledge that was about to all change thanks to the creation they made. Deviants however could feel well that depends on how you see it, (Y/n) was programmed to see it as a glitch in the androids programming. Others saw it as they had awoken and could feel these emotions they described.

The androids LED was flashing a neutral blue as its eyes looked around the moving box still flicking the coin between its fingers. A ding went off as the robotic voice In the elevator talked "level 70" the android caught the coin between its two fingers and put it neatly in its pocket, straitening its uniform when the doors slowly slid open to reveal a solider dressed in all black holding a gun. "negotiator on site" it spoke walking away from (Y/n) "repeat negotiator on site" the voice faded as he walked further away. (Y/n) walked out of the elevator to follow the solider, they noticed a framed photo on a table as they exited, picking it up looking as it.

Running face sacn ~

Caroline Phillips

John Phillips

Emma Phillips

Having all the information she needed (Y/n) put the family photo down, walking on to hear a wet flopping sounds as a women voice could be heard "no I can't leave her" she sounded in destress and her voice was scratchy an indication she had been crying.  Turning back to the flopping sound it was small colourful fish on the floor, a dwarf gourami to be correct, (Y/n) bent down and examined the small fish as it flopped on the floor. She scooped it up in her hands and placed it back into the fish tank inside the wall. Not wanting to see it suffocate.


More cries could be herd from the next room as (Y/n) continued into the main living area, a woman with short brown hair and red puffy eyes ran up to her grabbing her shoulders "oh, oh please, please you have to save her, you've got to save my little girl" the solider behind her held onto her shoulder "wait." She backed away as she saw (Y/n)'s now flashing blue LED "you're sending an android?" she spoke.

"Alright ma'am we need to go" the solider spoke pulling on the women now known to (Y/n) as Caroline Phillips hands.

"you can't" she spoke breathlessly "you can't do that! You W-" she got dragged away from (Y/n) as a result "WHY AERNT YOU SENDING A REAL PERSON?! DON'T YOU LET THAT THING NEAR HER!" As she was pulled into the elevator, she screamed one last statement "keep that THING away from my Daughter!"


She walked into a room with a desk that was lit up by the light coming from the laptop sat Infront of captain Allen and some other solider. "Captain Allen" she spoke "my name is (Y/n) I'm the android sent by cyberlife." The android got ignored and he just kept his eyes on the laptop.

"its firing at everything that moves, its already to shot down two of my men" he spoke. "we could easily get it, but they're on the edge of the balcony. If it falls" he turned towards (Y/n) "she falls" (Y/n) thinks for a moment her LED turning amber then back to blue "have you tried its deactivation code?" she asked.

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