Detective Anderson

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(Y/n) opened her eyes to find herself in a pristine white, cherry blossom tree sort of zen garden, there was green plants and grass the perfect shade of floral shamrock, in the centre was a white platform, pillars surrounding it and bridges leading to the middle.



As (Y/n) stepped forwards white doves flew in the air and scattered away from her, she continued along the marble path scaring birds as she went, she stopped reaching the bridge and caught something out of the corner of her eye, a blue glow, she was curious and went to investigate, reaching a blue glowing obelisk in the ground with a handprint on it. She crouched and placed her hand on it a slight ringing sound happened, and her synthetic skin disappeared revealing her white hand. After it a few seconds the obelisk gave her a shock of some short making her LED turn red and making her stand back. "weird" she whispered to herself. She made her way back to the bridge and crossed over to find whom she thought to be Amanda standing cutting roses from a white trellis. "Hello, Amanda." (Y/n) spoke making her presence known.

"(Y/n)" she turned her head looking at her still holding a cut rose in her hand. "It's good to see you." She tuned back cutting another rose "Congratulations, (Y/N) Finding that deviant was far from easy, and the way you interrogated it was very clever." She stopped to smell the rose she had just cut. "You've been remarkably efficient, (Y/n)."


"Thank you, Amanda." (Y/n) said back feeling good with the praise she was getting.

"We've asked the DPD to transfer it to us for further study. It may teach us something about what happened." She turned and placed the rose on the porcelain table beside her. "The interrogation seemed challenging. What did you think of the deviant?" she asked (Y/n).

"It showed signs of PTSD after being abused by its owner, as if its original program had been completely replaced by new instructions." (Y/n) said clearly as she thought the Deviant had been traumatized.

"This Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Connor Anderson have been officially assigned to the deviancy case. What do you make of them?" she asked (Y/n).

"I would define Lieutenant Anderson as "dysfunctional". He obviously has a personal situation impacting his professional behaviour and seems to have no interest in the investigation." (Y/n) spoke back "as for Connor, he is the complete opposite of his father, his focus is on the task at hand and does not see me as obstruction to the investigation like Lieutenant Anderson does." Amanda was spraying down the roses but stopped when (Y/n) referred to the Detective as Connor and not his formal name. she hummed and turned to speak to her.

"Unfortunately, we have no choice but to work with them. What do you think is the best approach?" she asked.

"I will try to establish a friendly relationship. If I can get them to trust me, it will be helpful for the investigation." (Y/n) spoke.


"More and more androids show signs of deviancy. There are millions in circulation. If they become unstable, the consequences will be disastrous." Amanda spoke stepping towards (Y/n). "You are the most advanced prototype CyberLife has ever created. If anyone can figure out what's happening, it's you." She pressured (Y/n).

"You can count on me, Amanda." (Y/n) Softly said as the women walked away.

Amanda stopped and turned to say one last thing. "Hurry, (Y/n). There's little time.". (Y/n) LED circled an amber as she processed their conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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