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NOV 5th , 2038


(Y/n) was sent by CyberLife to find Lieutenant Hank Anderson and accompany him in the investigation of the murder of Carlos Ortiz, committed by a deviant. (Y/n) stepped up onto the pavement on the dreadfully rainy night, her synthetic skin shone and hair damp because of the rain and neon lights from the sign in the window reading 'Jimmy's Bar'. Still flicking the coin, up with her thumb, in her hand, catching it and placing it neatly in her back pocket. She straightened the tie around her neck, first impressions are important, (Y/n) stepped towards the door of Jimmy's Bar. Once (Y/n) had reached the door there were signs on the door that clearly stated herself and dog were not allowed to enter, although she did anyway. As she stepped into the dry quiet bar soft music was being played, all the heads of the costumers and bartender turned to look.


She scanned around the room finding the bartender. PETERSON, JIMMY- Business owner. As (Y/n) walked more into the Bar voices were heard from behind her "Shit I thought androids weren't allowed in here!" the man was correct but she had conflicting orders she must find LT.ANDERSON. As she stopped to scan the area again, she scanned a face sitting in a booth close to the bar. Whisky brown eyes and hair soft facial features and a strong jawline, he was wearing some jeans and a navy pullover hoodie that said DETROIT POLICE ACADEMY.


Hum? (Y/n) Thought to herself maybe this was a regular place to hang out when they are off shift but that couldn't be right this was the 5th bar she had checked, surely LT.Anderson would go to the closest bar to find a fix. She continued her scan to find a man almost passed out on the bar. He had grey shoulder length hair and was wearing a dark grey trench coat; he had a strong smell of alcohol around him.


"Lieutenant Anderson, my name is (Y/n) I'm the android sent by cyberlife." She said gaining the attention of DET.Anderson sitting the booth. "I looked for you at the station, but nobody knew where you were. They said you were probably having a drink nearby. I was lucky to find you in the fifth bar." (Y/n)'s voice was firm.

HANK Tense –

CONNOR curious –

"What do you want?" the speech was mumbled as he side eyed the lady android from his seat at the bar.

"You were assigned a case early this evening." She paused "A homicide, involving a CyberLife android." She looked at Connor and then back to Hank "In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators." She spoke no overtone or emotion in her voice, but homicide and android didn't sit right in her mouth.

"Well, I don't need any assistance. Specially not from a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good Lil' robot and get the fuck outta here." He waved his hand and picked up his drink again.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but I must insist. My instructions stipulate that I must accompany you." She leaned over to hank a bit more.

"You know where you can stick your instructions?" Hank laughed clearly slightly intoxicated. This confused (Y/n).

"No" she paused once again "where?"

"Never mind." Hank huffed turning back to his drink at the bar.


Connor ▲

(Y/n) became quite persistent and thought if he had no whisky to sit and drink then they could leave, so she picked up the drink and tipped it upside down on the floor. "I think we can go now" she said again no emotion.

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