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Tanjiro's POV :

I turned around to face him. He already was looking at the window like he knew he'd get bored. I was waiting an eyes contact but nothing happened so I just faced my paperwork back. Everyone was whispering because of his disrespectful attitude.
-"Hum... Ok well, we all welcome you Inosuke ! I hope you'll be quickly part of the class and I count on y'all, everyone, to include him of course !" Ms. Kochou said to get the class' attention back.

The hour was passing so slowly.. It was almost 8:30am when finally some action happened :
-"Inosuke ? You should take some notes, I think. What we're doing is super important especially since you weren't at the classes before. Pay some attention please." our teacher looked at Inosuke with very serious eyes.
Inosuke glanced at her but nothing else. How can he be so cold ?? I then turned around to ask him with a gentle smile :
-"Why aren't you writing ? I'm sure you'll need some notes later for the tests !"
He turned his face in my way to look at me in the eyes but then it seemed like he.. blushed ? I'm not sure because, why would he ? Anyway he stopped looking at me for his paperwork, empty.
I saw his mouth opening and closing but couldn't hear anything he's said.
-"I'm sorry, you said something ? I didn't hear it, could you repeat please ?
- I... I don't how to write." he frowned, looking away, and this time I'm really sure he was blushing.
Ok that's why he doesn't write but how can he be here if he doesn't even know how to write ?? School isn't really selective I guess...

-"I can help you, if you want ? Like, to learn how to write and read.." I suggested.
-"Huh ?! What do you want ??? You want money right ??! I won't give you any !!
- W..What no ! I just want to help ! Of course I'll do it for free !
- ....Ok whatever."
I let a smile escape. I'm gonna make a new friend !! I'm so happy that I can be useful to someone especially someone new. I always had to help my mother or my little brothers and sisters so since Nezuko made friends I felt kinda useless.. It was really weird, I knew I didn't have to always help others and that, sometimes, I have to think about myself too but... Anyway it's just great I have made a new friend !
-"Let's meet in the school's library at the end of the day ! Is 5:00pm good for you ?
- Yeah I guess it's fine..
- Wait do you know where it is ?
- Are you saying I can't find it by myself ?? I'm the king of the mountain don't underestimate me !!!
- Okay great ! Well I am Tanjiro Kamado nice to meet you !"

He turned his head suddenly to look at the window again, ignoring me. I got my attention back to Ms. Kochou's class, waiting impatiently 5:00 pm. I maybe should ask Zenitsu if he wants to join us for his homeworks or wathever. But I'll ask Inosuke's agreement first, when the class will end.

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• 527 words !
The chapters won't be longer, I think, than like 600-700 words so I hope it's enough !
Anyway Tanjiro and Inosuke finally talking to each other ahah ! Hope you're excited for their school support times :)
I try to update in like two or three days but tell me if you want it to be more often, I have some chapters on hand, so it's ok for now !
Thanks for reading my story and see you next chapter !! ☆彡

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