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Tanjiro's POV :

I got in my bed and tried to fall asleep. But I couldn't because of a lump in my throat. I tried to hold back my tears but couldn't more and let them go. I felt bad for talking to Inosuke like that but he really went too far this time. Moreover, Zenitsu told me about what Inosuke said to him and it was really really mean. Why did he act like that ? I don't want to be with him anymore if it's going this way. I hugged a pillow to comfort me and to stop crying. I fell asleep, few minutes after.

•          •          •

I woke up pretty early. I only start class at 10am since Ms. Kochou is not here today. I stayed a bit in bed because I didn't want to face Inosuke. I don't even know if I should talk to him again about yesterday and if I should mention what he said to Zenitsu. After half an hour, I finally got up and went to the living room. I found Inosuke on the ground, next to the couch, still asleep. He must have fell in the night. I laughed at that thought and lowered to wake him up.

-"Inosuke, it's time for school now." I said softly while gently pushing his body, to not rush him.
He groaned, saying he still wants to sleep. I know physical education is his favorite subject so I told myself it could be a great motivation for him.
-"C'mon you have gym for first class ! You'll probably have to fight the other students...
- FIGHT ?!" he stood up suddenly.
I laughed and got to the kitchen to make breakfast. He rubbed his eye like a child, I could tell he was still sleepy even after yelling like that, so I decided to make him a great breakfast so he can have all his energy for the whole day !

My blue hair friend came join me in the kitchen to sit around the table.
-"Eat with me at lunch !!
- Uh sorry Inosuke, I promised Zenitsu I'll go with him.
- You said you'd do food for me everyday !!
- Oh yeah, I can do your lunch, but I won't eat with you today."
He crossed his arms and pouted as usual when he doesn't get what he wants. When I served him what I cooked, he swallowed the whole plate in a second though. I frowned a bit :
-"Don't rush Inosuke ! It's bad for your stomach you can get sick eating that quick !"
I thought he would have rolled his eyes but instead he just nodded, a sorry look on his face. Surprisingly, he'd really listened to me and ate slower.

We got ready for school each on our own and went to school. None of us really talked, I think there's still a tension because of yesterday. We left each other with a hand sign and I joined Zenitsu in our class' changing room.
-"So you still agree for lunch ? Or Inosuke convinced you to stay with him as always ?" Zenitsu said that rolling his eyes.
I got a sad look after his words :
-"Sorry for yesterday, Zenitsu but we couldn't continue the conversation anyway since he was here so I thought the best was I, talking to him.
- Yeah, no you're right. I'm sorry."

I smiled and finished to dress up. I was going outside but Zenitsu grabbed my wrist. I glanced at him, not understanding.
-"Don't you think we should skip this class and go somewhere ? It could be much fun.
- I... I don't know Zenitsu.. I just got grounded because I skipped classes.
- Yeah, I get it."
He answered really coldly and his eyes looked more than annoyed. Few second passed before he let go my wrist. I was confused but I choosed to not heap up and just went to the gym.

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• 644 words !
sorry nothing really happens in this chapter and i found the title kinda quickly just to post it today but anyway
also after this chapter there's still 3 chapters and it'll be the end :( but dw i'm writing an other ff rn !! idk when i'll post it but i will for sure !<3

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