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Tanjiro's POV :

He for real is so cute when he does that annoyed face. That's why I love to tease him so much. He really is childish though.

I have to tell him about tonight. I don't remember a lot but there's at least one thing I can't forget.
-"Were you dreaming about me tonight ?
- WHAT ?! Ew no, I already have too much of your face all the day pf.
- Oh ok... It's just that you kept saying my name, even in your sleep...
- HAH !! YOU dreamed about ME saying YOUR stupid name !! I see you can't stop thinking of me and how cool I am !!!
- Uh if you say so..."
I know it wasn't a dream but I guess he can't remember what he said during his sleep...
-"Inosuke why don't you stay here even if we're not grounded anymore ? I don't know where you usually sleep but I'd be reassured to know you in a nice bed to sleep.
- No I don't want to stay here, it sucks.
- I'll do lunch for you everyday.
- ....I guess it doesn't suck THAT much."
He rolled his eyes and I smiled to him. I knew he was going to decline and I also knew food would make him stay ahah.

Since he woke me up in the middle of the night, I didn't sleep well. I couldn't fall asleep with him saying my name and squeezing against me, I felt like I had to protect him or just take care of him. So I stayed up a long time and now I'm tired. I came sit down near to him and put my head on his shoulder. I scented he was surprised but he didn't say anything.

He placed his hand on mine softly. I took my head off his shoulder to look at him. He turned his face towards me. I was looking directly in his eyes but he wasn't. He was looking at my lips. I felt his face getting closer and my heart beating harder. He was hesitating so I broke the space between us by kissing him. I put my hand on his cheek to make him stay the closest. He grabbed my shirt with a very strong take as I passed my hand in his smooth hair to go on his neck. I tried to introduce my tongue in his mouth but when he felt it he pushed me away.
-"S..Sorry Inosuke ! I should have asked for that."
He turned his head suddenly, obviously to avoid eyes contact. He was frowning and his cheeks and nose were completely red.
-"Th...That's weird.
- Yeah, it's ok, it's because it's all new for you."

I didn't think about that before but he mustn't like new things since what happened to him... Especially new feelings, it must be super hard for him right now. I wanted to help him understand but just thinking about explaining to him all the love things I know, was super embarrassing.....
-"Inosuke, I think you should try to read some books ! We won't have school support until monday because for the next time, you'll have to read the book I'll choose !
- Ugh ok if you want to." he finally glanced, (quickly but still) at me.
-"Don't worry I won't take a too long one ! I'll choose an easy one to read.
- HEHHH ?? Are you going easy on me ??? You think I can't read a stupid shitty book ??!
- No, I know you can that's why I suggested that work."

I smiled at him and his eyes widened before looking away again with his still red face.
I'm gonna choose a book about love so I hope he'll understand what it is and what it means. I saw Zenitsu texted me yesterday, so I answered him and took the opportunity to tell him about that book thing, of course I omitted some details like the fact we kissed..... but I hope he'll like the idea !

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• 660 words !
LMAO THATS EMBARASSING- i hope it's not as cringe or as embarassing as i think,,, sorry if it is !!3!!3!2 anyway BYE

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