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Tanjiro's POV :

Inosuke mumbled something in my chest. I couldn't hear so I asked him to repeat. His face popped out of my arms before he said :
-"Monitsu doesn't think you're his friend.
- Inosuke... Are you telling lies again ?"
I know he told Zenitsu I didn't want to be friend with him anymore or other things but I didn't think he would lie to me too... I thought he would change his attitude but apparently not.

He shook his head energetically and glanced back to me with a serious look :
-"No ! No I'm not lying I swear !! He said you're his crush !! So it's no friend right ?"
I got red. I thought Zenitsu liked my sister..? We do not look really alike so why would he crush on me now ? But I'm sure Inosuke couldn't invent that 'cause he doesn't even know that word.
-"Monjiro are you bloshing ?
- Am I what ?? Blushing ? Y..Yeah. I just didn't expect that.
- I don't want to tell you but that's why I acted like that, because he wanted to take you on a date like we did. And I didn't want that to happen so I always showed up when it was just both of you... Sorry, I shouldn't have.
- It's ok now that you understood that. But you don't have to be worried, I'll never go on a date with somebody else !
- F..For real ?
- Yeah ! I promise !"

He put back his face into my arms, surely to hide how red it was. He then whispered :
-"That's a lot of promises."
I smiled and tightened him closer. I should talk to Zenitsu but I think I'll wait for him to confess. Inosuke kinda grassed him up so it would be rude to tell him I already know. I feel bad to reject him, but the only one I love is right now in my arms.
I scented something cold on my wrist. Inosuke was drooling. He falls asleep really fast.... I took off my wrist 'cause, not gonna lie, it's kinda disgusting and tried to fall asleep as well.

•        •        •

When I woke up, I scented arms around my waist and legs around mine. I entirely opened my eyes to see Inosuke's face still asleep. His eyelashes were falling on his cheeks, they're so long and pretty. He, actually, is so pretty. I couldn't get out of his grip so I kissed him softly on his forehead and closed my eyes as I got closer. This just felt so right, like it was written. I wanted to wake up like that every morning, I love him so much I could die. I didn't hear the ringtone of the alarm clock yet so I assumed it's not the time to get up and enjoyed that sweet moment.

I heard the ringtone, I don't know how much time passed but not enough. I started to move away to turn it off but Inosuke squeezed me close to him and grumbled.
-"We don't care,  just stay a bit more.."
He opened his eyes a bit to look at me. I got back close to him, our chest and heads touching. It was so warm.
-"Can I kiss you ?" I asked.
He answered by a quick little peck.

Both of our face red, we moved our head towards each other's for a long and loving kiss. His lips tastes like candy or sugar. It was so sweet I couldn't stop kissing him. But he broke it almost breathless after I bit his bottom lip.
-"Y.. You know humans aren't good."
I laughed softly at his remark. The way he's avoiding eyes contact with his cheeks and nose totally red is just so cute I feel like my heart's going to explode.
I kissed him again, he was surprised but kissed me back. I tried again to put my tongue in his mouth and he didn't push me away but I could scent he was embarrassed and didn't know how to react. I turned a bit my tongue around his and broke the kiss, feeling it was too much for him.
-"W..Was that ok ??" I asked kinda worried.
He curled to hide his face in his legs and nodded. I smiled and passed my hand through his hair before hugging him. The alarm clock rang again.

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• 719 words !
IM BAD AT DESCRIBING KISS IM SORRY i wish i was better but it's not like i'm an expert myself lmao💀 anyway tomorrow is the last chapter i'm sad it has to end:((( i love them really much, i'm kinda in a bad mood rn and they're clearly the only thing that keeps me happy those days💖

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