Chapter 1: The Shaman of Origin

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Numbers fabricate hope, destruction, and, in rare cases, utopia.

"There's an unconscious body off in the distance! We gotta go fetch it!"

"We don't have time for that, Gardevoir!"

"Of course there is, Sora! It needs a hand, so let's go!"

Yanking Pikachu's right arm as if a world-premiere event is taking place, Gardevoir bursts towards the vicinity of the collapsed body. Hyperactive anticipation flies within her veins as she jumps over the river and crosses over to the other side. As she arrives within a block of the body, she skids to a sliding halt while Pikachu angrily struggles to stabilize his balance.

"Damn it, Gardevoir! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"I'm totally fine, you know. Now look at this: surely this is an unconscious Meloetta just lying here on the ground, right?"

"So what?"

"We can't leave the poor thing alone like this. I mean, gaining a seventh member for our group doesn't cause any issues whatsoever! Like it or not, Sora, it's coming with us!"

Releasing a giggle from her mouth, the bubbly Gardevoir caresses the Meloetta's small figure into her arms like an older sister embracing an infant sibling for the first time.

"There, there. Big Sis has got you now. Hang tight and we'll get you back on your feet."

Whispering these warm packages of words to the motionless Meloetta, Gardevoir makes a mad dash back towards the riverbank, hoping to share her imperativeness to her teammates. Catching a glimpse of the tall, psychic sprinter homing into her direction, Mawile pushes her arm forward to force Gardevoir to hit the brakes.

"Don't force me to brake, Mawile! This precious thing needs help now!"

"Wait up, Gardevoir! Who the hell is that!?"

"Espeon! Chesnaught! Milotic! I need you! Now!"

"Hurry up and stop her, Mawile!"

"I'm trying!"

Mawile and Pikachu chase after their hyper-eager teammate, who frantically waves her left arm towards the remaining group members, desperately searching for their undivided attention.

"Slow down, Princess! 'The hell you're yapping about!?"

"No time to zip my mouth, Milotic! Look at this poor little thing!"

"Hey... isn't that Meloetta? Like, the so-called 'Shaman of Origin?'"

"Oh? You know something about this, Chesnaught?"

"During a mission that my troops and I had to complete, I came across tattered newspaper articles that mention Meloetta's journeys in small columns. No one really knows where she comes from and what her lifestyle really is, but the short entries piqued my interest. Some of the infantry squads caught on these posts after I brought them to Delta Base so Serperior could review them. While the contents are physically authentic, we don't know for sure if it's some sort of false advertising or real day-by-day journal entries."

"I didn't realize you are into that stuff, General."

"At least he ain't some gross siscon like Gardevoir."

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