Chapter 5: First Responders

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The self-proclaimed 'strong men' are, in truth, the most cowardly.

Safely exiting the now-defunct Vortex Cell, Corviknight's squadron successfully completes their mission. A sense of remorse brews amongst the ranks, however, reminding them of the casualties that could not see tomorrow.

"This mission has given us a rather solemn dose of pain. If we had prepared ahead of time, perhaps more lives would have been protected..."

"The fact that you of all Pokémon are showing remorse for all this says something, Corviknight. Especially the kids we brought. No one can help but feel that sadness."

"Indeed. I can read their expressions; not a single cadet is celebrating the success of the mission."

"It sucks that Pokémon as young as them had to be called up to serve. There's no way that should be allowed, but in times like this, what other choice do we have?"

During their pause in reflection, the Vortex Cell begins to erratically deteriorate. The squadron faces the self-destruction behind them, witnessing the fall of another base of operations. In the middle of their observation, Talonflame takes notice of Scorbunny covering her eyes with her ears, trying to hide the post-aggression sorrow of battle. She motions Corviknight to extend his right-hand wing to bridge the cadet to her.

"Go, Scorbs. Commander Talonflame's calling you over."

"A-are you sure? I don't think it's so necessary..."

"She wants to empathize with you. Nothing wrong with that."

"...I guess so."

Heeding Talonflame's call, Scorbunny crosses the winged bridge and arrives at her superior's back. Retaining her reflective sorrow, she is unsure of how to properly express it, and thus lies down on Talonflame back-side down.

"You're not obligated to say anything if you don't want to. We all know this war is tough for us emotionally. It's just a case of protecting what we've still got. Right, Corviknight?"

"Affirmative. There are yet Pokémon who still roam across this continent, unsure if they will be able to wake up the next morning. It is our duty that they shall arise along with the sun, even if it means we may not join them."

Corviknight's words of reason caused Scorbunny to enter a deep state of thought, reflecting on the painful day-to-day of military service. She knew, just as much as her comrades and superiors, that they wished such conflict would simply cease to exist. Can this innocent desire for peace be possible? Is it simply wishful thinking? Who wouldn't want a continent, and by extension a world, where no one is forced to battle for their very presence? This series of questions makes Scorbunny seal her forlorn eyes, praying for the desolate, destructive war to end.

During this prayer, the Vortex Cell breathed its last, and upon dissolution released a soothing breeze. The conflicting winds of hope and despair clash in silence, fighting rigorously for control of the squadron's mental health. In the middle of this battle, Talonflame breaks through the lingering reticence by confirming a report.

"Say, Corviknight, we outta remember to touch base with the General about what just happened here. Let's tell him we got this job done."

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