Chpt 1: red it is then

36 2 0

Started: 22/12/21

Little explanation:
Jerome is a Sluagh,

Be careful when night falls – that's when the Sluagh come out. These Celtic soul-stealing spirits go out to hunt in various forms; maybe they'll appear as emaciated beasts, or perhaps they'll swarm like a flock of ravens. Whatever guise they adopt, they have one terrible purpose: to devour your soul.

True, these spirits are often said to target the weak, preying on those who are sick or dying. But the Sluagh also stalks the seemingly healthy. Nothing calls them quite like the pain of a sorrowful heart. How can you avoid their horrific clutches? Keep the windows and doors shut tight, and to stay inside after dark. Oh, and avoid saying their name...

A demonic spirit so evil hell has a rejected it...

But for this story it'll look like Mr skarsgard

Joe and Tom aren't like Jerome though...kinda

Any who on with the story...


Oct 21st

Rory POV

*alarm sounds*

I groaned loudly and brought my semi conscious fist down on it like a hammer, had to do it quickly or dad would probably go on a rampage. Yes I'm 20 but I have to stick around here for my brother, he's still really young and only knows this life here with dad and this fucking delusional person of a step mother that made my dads habits worsen since mum died back in '84. Death changed him, I can barely remember my mum but there's still some memories there mainly a rhyme she used to put me to sleep, it's the only gentle thing about me anymore when my brother can't sleep or needs to calm down.

Blah blah anyways...

I get up lazily and put on my running stuff, I take a run around 3 or 4 blocks before getting back to then workout, shower and by then it's nearly 7 and I have to get my brother up to go to kindergarten, he sleeps once he's there but I don't want to leave him at the house all day and he'll get good food there too.
I work two jobs, one at the docks and the other by millennium park, I meet all kinds of people at both jobs both tourist and local. Even 'pick up' a couple dates here and there, lately there been this tall one that comes in, big green eyes and light olive-y tanned skin just everything about them drew me in but something always felt off when ever things got close or something distracted me and suddenly they disappeared after only a few shorts weeks.

Work began feeling less enjoyable....

(Play music: Creep by Radiohead)


Oct 4th
Job by millennium park

Third person:

His soul smells so pure but his heart holds so much sorrow...just needs more of push off the edge.
Perhaps joe and Tom should pay them a visit but i need a taste first....

Rory POV

"Hello and welcome to 'xyz', how can I help y.." I stutter not even seeing his just yet, just his hands resting on the counter between myself and customers, I run my eyes right up to meet his eyes...big green soft yet dark mysterious eyes. " today sir? Our special today is steak and kidney pie with a dessert choice of raspberry, kelime, apple or ummm...cherry pie and hot or cold drink of your choice" i managed to not croak hopefully not getting this man confused in what I was saying.

He gave me a friendly smile showing dimples and almost perfect teeth, fuck this guy was making my jaw hit the ground and eyes pop out like a cartoon.
"Hmm I would like that steak and kidney pie, a slice of apple and do you sell alcohol?" He asks as I was writing down his order, "yes sir we do, whisky, vodka and red or white wine but we are more in soon I believe" I answer swiftly not stutter again. "Which do you suggest.." his eye goes to my name tag "...rory?" "I'm not of age but umm vodka would be great but red wine always compliments a steak well in my eyes"
I state with my gripping onto the paper pad I had in my left hand, "red it is then Rory, I'll be over by the window when you bring me my order" he say gesturing from me to the where he will be sitting and then turns on his heels to go towards it.

I mutter his order as I write down the drink he wants then going to hole between the kitchen and the front,
"Special order! 1 steak kidney, a slice of apple pie and red wine...sharpish!" I raised my voice a bit, "you got it Rory" Grayson yells back.
I then go over towards the green eyed stranger
"Would you like to pay for your Order now sir or after?" I ask just as an excuse to talk to him,
he picked up on that apparently. "How much do I owe you?" he asks looking up at me while reaching for his wallet on his inside pocket
"11 dollars and 50 cents sir" I answer with a small tray in my hand with his receipt on it.

 "How much do I owe you?" he asks looking up at me while reaching for his wallet on his inside pocket "11 dollars and 50 cents sir" I answer with a small tray in my hand with his receipt on it

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He got out his wallet and placed $15 on the tray, I went to the register to get him his change and brought it back to him

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He got out his wallet and placed $15 on the tray, I went to the register to get him his change and brought it back to him.
"Thank you Rory.." he says looking me right in the eye which felt amazing like someone saw me for the first time but also I felt so cold so I politely smiled and turned on the ball of my feet. "Wait...I want to ask you something.." he says softly while having his hand on my uniform apron string, making me turn back around to face him, "Everything ok Rory?" another waiter asks.

"Yeah all good tony, just a usual" I say and he moved on to other customers, "would you like to go for a walk around the park on your break? It's a nice sunset an..." he began but I stopped him, "that's sounds great and all but I have to pick up my brother from kindergarten sir" I say and hurry away as his order was mostly ready on the hatch and I got another waiter to take his food to him, he soon left after his meal and didn't take a second look back to me....some part of me wish he did.


So here is chapter 1

Tell me what you think,
Or what might happen next...

🤞🏻on 2022

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