Chpt 2: hey there chip

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Started: 8/1/22

Oct 4th

Rory POV

I sign out to take my break, "I'll be back just got to pick up my brother" I say to my boss.
"Don't be back late Rory it's peak time soon" my boss says and I picked up my coat and walked out to my car....well it's Tony's car, he lets me borrow it to pick up my brother.
"Whoa hold up Rory...hold up" I hear tony yell over to me as I was about to close the door.
"Yes oh friend of mine" I laughed opening the door and putting a foot out on the ground beside the car.
"I remembered I've got some 'stuff' to pick up, we can your brother on the way back." he says to me as I get out and go to the passenger side and he starts up the car then drives out of the small car park and towards where he needed to go. "I'll come by later after work, I'll need a sample of that stuff if I have to deal with home for a while longer" I say as we drive out down the streets of Chicago.
"How much until you can move out roar?" Tony asks, "I've saved about a grand I think, should need a couple hundred more and then I can get myself and chip out of this fucking house." I explain.

~20 mins later~

"I'll be quick" tony says pulling up to where he has to pickup and gets out.

Gonna go to the liquor shop and get some food for chip


Cool, be down in 10
Get me some peanut butter MnM's
Heard there supposed to be good

Hell yeah
Can chip have some too?

I get out the car and lock it then walk half a block to the liquor shop, while looking for my usual I felt eyes on me and look to my left to see a tall blonde haired guy looking over at me.
"Hey not gawking at the merchandise.." I say and he just laughs, "how much?" he jokes back, I smile and spot my drink but it's high up, I try reach for it and almost have it, a box full and sudden it's about to crash off the shelf when a long pair of tattooed pale arms catch it and pull it to them.
"Good catch dude, think I'd probably cry if they
all got smashed" I say as he turns round, it's the tall blonde from a minute ago.
"I'm tom..." he says as hands me the box of after shock, "I'm Rory and uhh thanks" I say looking at him. 'Two gorgeous ones in a day..lucky lucky lucky me' I thought.
"So a box of after shock huh? Going to a party or something?" he asks while taking a step back from me.

"Just gonna hang at a mates house after work before going well just another place" I say while subtly checking him out, curse my wondering eyes sometimes but people are just beautiful, I've seen two today....TWO.
I feel at ease and calm with this blonde one though, like breathing in smoke from someone's joint after they exhaled it and again this beautiful guy has these eyes, kinda lost looking and wanting to be found looking eyes.

(Side note: MGK and Megan are engaged!!!!

"Hey why don't you come hang with us?, it'll be late though like after 10...sorry that probably sounds creepy, we just met in a liquor store..." I nervously babbled, he just cheekily smiled and cocked his head at me. "Relax your good but can I take a rain check on that, I got plans that finish later and I have to be just another place too" he says. I nod a little and take steps back from him and go towards the cashier, I place the box of alcohol down to pay for it and I notice a posted note with a number on it.

' rain check
01929 6443'

After buying the drinks and the MnM's for tony I make my way back to tony. "There you are, what's the hold...wait I know that look, you saw a cute guy" he says before I could even get one breath out, I opened up the boot and put the box of alcohol in it and closed it.
"If I was anyone else I'd say fuck off how'd you know but yeah I saw a cute one and he got his number on the box I put in the boot...his name is Tom" I say as we pull the car away from the pavement and start driving to pick up chip.

~15 minutes later~

Tony pulled up to the kindergarten and I got out to walk to the door but chip came running out towards me and almost took my legs out.
"Hey there chip.." I say while I crouch down to pick him up, "brum the brum brum" chip asks well yells, I look over to tony and being one of the only decent humans I know, he knew what chip yelled and raved his engine and I spun chip around and twisted and turned him mid air like he was in a race car, he was laughing so much and wriggling but I never dropped him.

~two days later~

I am walking across the park towards work,
"Evening shift then, it's sun about the walk hmm?" I hear a familiar voice coming from my left, I look over and it's the tall green eyed man. "Gonna have to be quick...umm what's your name again? I didn't catch it before" I say while stop to turn my full attention to him. "Didn't throw it.." he chuckled and I did too. "But my name is Jerome and you..."he paused while while dragging my unzipped part of my jacket over my body more.. "are Rory, shall we?" he asks

(Picture how Roman was talking looking at letha at pensymania in hemlock grove)

I shook my head and smirked while clearing my throat, "mhm we..shall, what are your part British...hmmm huh hmmm proper...shall we Harvey hmm mm yea" I rambled doing a a terrible impression of English people, Jerome looked amused by it and pulled me along with him towards my work.
"When are you off work Rory?" he asks as he reached for something in his inside pocket, it was cigarettes. "Smoke?" Jerome asked offering his packet, I took one and smiled as a thank you and he lit it with a this old looking lighter. " Cool lighter, how did you come by it? It looks old" I ask beginning our little conversation walking towards my work, it's like time slowed down a huge amount around us, I could be late to work......

...but part of me didn't care

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