Chpt 4; why him? Pt1

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What else do you want to see in the story???

This chpt may get bloody
With a little smut

⬆️Sus photo ⬆️


Tony POV

"All I have to do is restock the drinks for the fridge, clean down the sides and put the chairs on the tables then I'll head your way Rory, I won't be long dude...." I say down the phone while roaming the walk in fridge with a basket for drinks we needed to bring to the fridge.

"Lucky me not working tonight, wish I was though but chip's sick and dads not about put the bottle down to take care of him..." Rory tells me as he pulls a cigarette out of his pack and putting behind his ear. "Hit me up later after shift, chip should be asleep by then..." he says then turning on his feet towards the door and I attend to the first customer of the night.

Rory POV

"Thank you so much..." I say to the pharmacist and made my way home to take care of chip, I reach into my bag pushing past the meds for my brother I feel hands on my sides and lips on my ear pulling that cigarette I pulled from my pack. "The fuck man!..." I was about to yell when I see Jerome with a grin and my cigarette between his lips. "Don't sneak up on me Jerome, I could of hurt you, what are you doing here?" I ask while finally getting the keys to the front door. " couldn't hurt even if you tired, I am here because I would like to have your company tonight...a beautiful tast...a beautiful soul like you shouldn't be alone at all in a world like this" he explains himself looking down at me slightly, then he lights the cigarette.

" I would but I can't, I have to take care of someone sick tonight, I'm not about to ditch them even if it is to be 'your company' for the night." I tell him, trust me I would love to but after last time I'm not sure I'd want too.
"You'd really deny me?, you really do have a kind heart.." he starts while gently running fingers over my chest where my heart is. "Perhaps later on then when your sick friend is asleep? Hmmm" he inquires never dropping eye contact with me, here goes that time slowing down thing for the most part it felt warm and comforting. "Maybe just maybe Jerome..." I say with an almost love sick smile, he gently pulled me too him as I took a toke of my cigarette and he attached his lips to mine to receive to exhale... 'smoke kisses?...surprises hugs from behind...could this man be anymore seductive'....he gracefully rests my back to the wall and he's got his knee resting between my legs, our lips in a sensual loving lock with tongues pushing into the others mouth, his large hands still on my hips beginning to hunt for ways to any flesh I had showing...


I heard  in my head screaming at me and open my eyes wide and pull away from Jerome, "I...I should go..." I say looking at Jerome that for a moment looked like he was going to kill me, I felt the cold air again and I moved myself away from him, his hand reached for me. "Did I do something Rory?...come here, I apologise for any indiscretion" he says attempting to look at my eyes, I avoid so with great difficulty and I turn move further away from him still somehow under his 'spell' his very presence, I quickly walk away from him but he goes to follow and a few cars came rushing between us and I used that distraction to flag a taxi to my home to see chip.

My skin felt sticky on my chest and collar so I moved around a little to loosen the material and stickiness, "the fuck...hey umm can you take me to *makes up an address*" I say and look back seeing Jerome shrinking into the distance then suddenly gone.
"You ok dude? Your boyfriend looked worried back there..." the taxi man says with a chuckle, "not my boyfriend just a...I don't even know" I say looking outside the taxi at the street going by...

Tony POV

"Come on come on Rory pick up..." I say annoyed at my phone, he usually isn't late.
Maybe chip is really sick, then taken out of my thoughts "hey tony!! Over here dude...." I thought I heard Rory yell and I look over and walked over putting my phone in my pocket but it slipped... "shit...I can't break another phone" I say but I bump into someone,
'Wait dark hair...pale tatted arms...dark eyes...friends with Tom...' I thought as he had smirk on his face stepping towards me and I was stepping away "hey your tony right? Rory's friend...yeah he's gonna be late...." my back hits someone else and arm wraps around me, "yeah he's looking a..a..after chip..." I say and look to whoever has their arm around me, this must be Tom.

"I dropped my phone over there just going to get it.."I say gripping his hand to get him off of me, he let go and looked at Joseph, I took that moment to grab my phone on the ground and bolted away from the down the street, "you go one way...I got him this way!!" I here tom yell to Joseph, "fuck fuck fuck....ANYONE HELP!!!!" I yell running faster than I've run before, I dart behind a shop and down a shortcut I used to take when I delivered food after a minute or two I hid behind a large dumpster, I then heard a sound that gave me nothing but fear and another that came from where I just ran from "we know your hear tony...why not make this easier and come out?" Tom says, "I'm starving..." I hear Joseph say who sounded almost coarse, I hear some sniffing and I covered my mouth to try hide my breathing...

Then my phone went off causing the guys to look my way, I see a taxi pull up and Rory is inside it, like in a movie where everything slows down and you can see a scared person running and hear their heavy breathing panting...the creature or person behind them.....

"RORY!!" then I see Rory look up but not in my direction and these cold dead hand grab my legs and I fall down on my side and before I kick away I'm pulled into the now pitch black ally.


Sorry I've been gone

Didn't know what to do with the story but I do now.

Happy OCTOBER!!!!

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