Chapter 3: de ja vu

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Jerome POV

I've been appearing to Rory over the past week, Tom has been hanging out with him and Joseph too. The other night I spent with Rory in a hotel I've owned for the last 50 years, some show called American horror story based a series on it. That night I got a little taste of rory's pain and sadness he feels deep down inside himself, i must admit it was tempting to steal his soul right there and then but now is not the right time...not yet.
I'm glad the person this body made that deal all those centuries ago did so it helped lure so many people to there inevitable doom, it certainly beat having to change to murders of crows or bats, that's so old but since the body's deal...I was supposed to steal its soul but they knew much about what I was and I needed to get stronger.

This was over 800 years ago, I'm in need a new one and soon, this body could last another decade or two. I could of used joe or Tom's body but neither where strong enough, perhaps rorys might be a good fit.

Joesph POV

I don't know what Jerome has planned for Rory but it must be big if he's doing all this,
After the first time he got a taste of Rory, it made rory look less alive, he just said he felt like he'd been on a what he calls a 'bender' of cocaine and a whole liquor store. This weekend is Halloween, rory told us its his favourite time of year, he enjoys the pranks and the parties and the costumes. I almost feel sorry for what's going to happen to rory though he doesn't have much of life to go back to, both Tom and I have seen where he lives and how his dad and step mother are towards him and his brother.

He often talks about saving up to move away and take his brother 'chip' with him, Jerome told us to lead rory away from thinking that and away from the things he knows maybe make them worse so he'd want to stay with us and Jerome can do whatever it is he plans to with rory once we have him on our side.
I have to get rid of his friend though, I can't bring myself to do it but I can't deny what Jerome orders...I've seen what happens and it's practically death for the dead, he almost got rid of tom like ten years ago when we where in Santa Carla, I convinced Jerome to stop hurting him, joesph took time to recover from it all but since then he's followed Jerome around like there's no tomorrow and kills who ever and tricks whoever Jerome says to.

~ 6pm Thursday oct 28th~

"We have to do it joe, it's Jerome's orders
Kill Rory's friend, I'm thinking a little torture first then bring him to Jerome so he can eat his soul maybe he'll share it with us..." I hear tom rambling on getting excited about doing this to Rory, I vaguely remember doing something like this before but to who I don't know, I feel's weird to say I feel as I've been dead so long after meeting Jerome.

"Tom man...dude, hello?" I hear him speak clearly bringing me out of my thoughts, I look at him as he takes a swig of him beer. "Yes that sounds great, Torture Rorys friend then bring him to soul...then make his home life worse Yada yada yada" I say roughly and unethically going over what the plans where.
"What's up with you dude? Normally your psyched to torture..." he spoke before hearing my phone go off, I look at the Lock's Jerome, I'd take in a breath right now if I could.

"Tom I've been trying to get through to you all day, why have you refused my calls?!!!" He yells through the phone loud enough he could be in the same room as me and Joseph.
"Sorry Jerome, I just..." I could barely get any words in. "You do as I say Tom! And you answer when I call you!!! Now Rory is going to be with tony tonight, probably until late, you and joe are to grab him then...torture and eat all you want, I've smelt it already not my kind of I clear?! Am I getting through to you two knuckle heads?!" Jerome ranted on, I was too afraid to speak up against him, he knows I'm with Joseph right now even after all these years of being like this still don't understand it all and why we just feel compelled to obey Jerome...I wish I could stop him.


I started writing this so long ago, sorry for the delay
My mental has been just twidkymcdgdkyey....
Sorry if this is crappy chapter

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