Chapter | 3

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JENNIE|Scars in your beautiful

-JULY 2nd 2021

"I told you! I'm not cheating!" I defended myself but he doesn't seem to believe me at all. Its early in the morning and me and my boyfriend Dong-hyun are arguing about his accusations of me cheating.

"Yeah right. As if i'll buy that!" He replied and this is seriously getting to my nerves. I don't wanna do something dumb and waste my time so I just rolled my eyes and left our shared apartment.

I don't have any fucking idea on how he started assuming that I'm cheating, when I'm always with him or at work, working my ass off to pay the damn rent! While he just lays around!

Letting out a deep sigh when I realized how much our relationship has changed within a month. We've been together for 3 years and it was all going amazing. We were happy but shit went downhill.

It started this June when he went home drunk and wasted. He beggan blabbering about me cheating and that I'm such a whore! Its not true. I swear with all my life.

Then the next few weeks he went cold on me I thought it would pass but its been a month. I don't understand whats going on.

I hailed a taxi and was lucky enough that one just stopped by. I got in and sat in the back seat because I don't feel so comfortable sitting next to the driver.

"To the fresh brew caffe please." I statted my destination and he beggins to drive. I got my phone out and scrolled through it for a bit.

A notification suddenly popped up as I was scrolling through it. I looked at it and realized it was a news article to one of the websites I follow.

I read what's on the tittle with curiosity and it says [Bridgerton last succesor finaly revealed?]. My eyebrows arched at this information.

Bredgerton...where have I hered tha... WAIT A MINUTE! Are they talking about the Bridgerton's as in the trillionare Bridgerton's who use to live in korea but moved away?

I thought there was no succesor? I asked myself even if I knew no one but me can hear it and no one can answer me. How odd. The Bridgerton's huh? I continued to read the article till the end but it was useless, there was no first name given nor pictures. It just says that the successor is a female. Interesting. I finished reading.

As if on que the drive ended and I was dropped off in the caffe I work in. I pushed the glass door open and my nose was imedietly met with the brewing scent of coffee grains.

Finaly the scent made me forget about all the shitty things that happened today although its still early some shit really do be happening tho. I thanked the universe silently that I choose to work here.

"Jennie! good mornin!" Sana my co'worker, greeted behind the counter as soon as she spotted me. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle she's always so cheerful and nice.

"Good morning to you too, Sana!" i greeted trying to copy the same energy she had in her voice and I  heard her laugh at my rediculous attempt as I made my way to the lockers inside the shop.

I beggan to prepare for work and I mean changing into our work uniform and putting on my apron. I'm at front today so I hope there won't be any shitty costomers.

As soon as I finished changing I got out of the lockers room and went to my place ready to take on orders.

The shop's door opened and in came a guy with brown hair, black jacket, ripped jeans and sneakers. No offence but he literally looks like one of those kids in high school who would be called by the term "jock wannabes" . He had a smug smile on his face and my day was completely ruined.

"Hey, miss!" The boy greeted. I was imedietly pissed after seeing him smirk.

Not this bitch again. I thought to myself.

He's been coming in here for a week trying to flirt with me and get in my pants and he never failed to make me want to punch his face and break his nose.

"What would you like for today sir?" I asked forcing a smile while I also try to force myself to not go to the other side of the counter and kick him right in the balls.

"one small, iced latte and maybe a kiss from you beautiful." I looked at him in disgust. He's been like this all week. fucking disrespecting me and harassing me even in the smallest ways when he's here.

I dare not talk about it though because I find it embarrassing and because I heared this man is some sort of famous influencer? Plus I'm scared no one would believe me, heck maybe my boyfriend won't believe me too and only sana and Dahyun would.

"O-okay, sir." I replied uncomfortable because the man is litteraly eyeing me sensually. I gave the order to Sana who's at the back with Dahyun and another new worker.

They gave it to me in a mater of minutes and I took it and imedietly gave it to the man.

"I think you forgot the kiss in my order girl." He said with a cocky smile. Kinda wanna make me puke right on his face.

I shifted in my place uncomfortably, I was about to get the money he put on the counter top but then he grabbed my hand tightly and I tried to get it back but he just won't budge. I tried to get it out more trying to not make a scene.

"One small, iced black coffee and two vanila cream filled donnuts please." A feminine voice softly said earning my and the man's attention.

Behind him stood a female a few inches shorter than me with raven black hair, blood red lips, wearing sunglasses and a short black dress.

"Coming right up miss." I replied and harshly took my hand from the man's grip cause he is distracted by the girl.

I shakily asked for the girl's caffine order and it was quickly given to me. I also prepared the cream filled donnuts she ordered and put it in a paper bag.

"H-here you go miss." I said putting her order on top of the counter and lucky enough I no longer saw that very mean man in the shop.

she paid for her order and quickly got out of the coffee shop but she did put a big ass tip before leaving. and generous. I sigh in relief.
I'm internally grateful that that mysterious girl rudely ordered not minding that scum bag of a man.

"Hey jen. let's switch places. I think its better if you and sana help the new worker in the back." Dahyun popped out, out of nowhere and said with a smile on her face.

I dare not complain and just nod my head in agreement and got into the back to help prepare cafine orders.

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