Chapter |12

545 20 1

One shot
3rd person POV

- July 7 2021 - a few hours earlier

"This is so stupid Seulgi! How the hell did this even happen?!" Irene asked the girl with red hair, her brows furrowed in both confusion and annoyance as she looks at the broken glass on the floor.

"I have no idea!!! Irene save me! " Seulgi stressed as she holds on to Irene for dear life, fully knowing that if ever their boss See's the mess, she will most likely be sleeping with the bugs outside for a whole month.

"What else can we do?! We litteraly asked someone yesterday if it's repairable and they said 'fuck no'!" Irene rolled her eyes at Seulgi.

"Chantal's gonna kill me!!!!" Seulgi whined and it seemed like she was about to cry... I mean who wouldn't cry, If you just broke your boss's stained glass butterfly collection.

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[A/N: A lot of these in different designs and colors

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[A/N: A lot of these in different designs and colors. I want one of these!!]

As Seulgi was whining until they heard footsteps approaching their boss's room and Irene was quick to make Seulgi stand up and shushed her, dragging the red headed girl with her towards the restroom in the room.

Chantal POV

"Why in the name of humanity are you walking so loudly, Jungkook? " I asked while we continue to walk down the hallway towards my bedroom. What's wrong with him? He literally was walking normally and silently earlier.

"I'm too lazy to carry my feet. " He whines and this made me stop my steps and look back at him. I raised a brow and suddenly pinched him hard on the arm, making him flinch and whine even more.

"Didn't Namjoon and Jin already tell you to stop being so lazy? You don't wanna be sitting in one of their Scolding Sessions again right? " He was quick to straighten up and I got back to walking but he didn't follow me.

"Uhmm yeah... I think I need to go to my room now! Byei!" He ran as fast as he could and left me and I didn't bother to look back. He's literally 2 years older than me and he still acts so childish.

I was nearing my room when I saw one of my bedroom doors slightly open. My brows furrowed...could it be that the cleaners just forgot to close it shut? They know better than leaving it open like that.

I trust that my workers know how to follow orders and they know their work well so they wouldn't make even the simple mistake of leaving my room door hung a jar.

Despite of the doubts in my head I just casually went in the room and what I saw had me dying inside.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!" I screamed after seeing my stained glass butterfly collection kissing the fucking floor shattered. ALL OF IT WAS BROKEN!!

I got the gun in my coat and looked around for any signs of intrusion in my room. There was nothing so whoever did this is originally in the house already. I sat down near the broken glass, being careful not to cut myself.

I feel like crying? What sort of evil demon would do this. Those were expensive!! I had a special cassing for all of them, how the fuck did the case even broke?! All 450 butterflies, shattered. There goes my 50 thousand dollars.

I'm now in the verge of tears, when suddenly I saw a piece of red hair on the carpet floor. That bitch!!

"KANG SEULGI!!! Get out of my god damned bathroom and Irene don't fucking dare help her out the fucking window!!!!" I yelled, standing up and when I looked up, there they were standing side to side with very nervous smiles.

"Kang Seulgi..." My eyes turned to slits as I glared at her. She was practically shaking right now. "HOW DARE YOU SHATTER MY COLLECTION?!!!"


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