Chapter | 11

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Rosé POV

-July 7 2021

"No, seriously. This place is actually very beautiful but there's something off about it." Jisoo said as her eyes traveled our surroundings.

Were currently sitting in the room where Lisa woke up and sure enough it was just next to all of ours. Our rooms are in the same Hall. Jisoo's room facing Jennie's and mine facing Lisa's.

We're gathered in Lisa's room because we decided to stick together because of the fact that were all pretty much clueless. We've talked to each other since yesterday, when we first met and talked about the things that happened.

"I know, right? This is a literal mansion and judging by the view outside of the window, we seem to be in a very private and somehow secret area. There's literally no other buildings around but this mansion and it's other parts outside. " Jennie stood up and moved the curtain  window showing us the beautiful yet very lonely view.

"Well, shit Sherlock..." Lisa said as she raised her right eyebrow in look of disbelief. "Is that the only thing you've noticed this whole time? There's literally other people in this place rather than us, Joy, Seulgi and Irene. It's like this is a hide out and a freaking home but filled with people who wears black all the time. "

The three of us kinda agreed with Lisa even if sarcasm was mixed with her tone at the end of her sentence. Then I had a very random idea. "Omg!!" I whispered yell earning all their attention.

"What? Why'd you say 'OMG!!'? " Jisoo asked in worry and I looked at her with my mouth covering my hand. "What if this is a 'mafia' of some
sort? " A chuckle left Jisoo's lips as she looked at me.

"Im betting 20 dollars, you're a bookworm. " Jisoo said making the number two with her fingers. She looked unconvinced by my theory. "What if Rosé is right though? Maybe not a Mafia but an associations?" Jennie suspected as her brows furrowed.

"It's possible but I think it-" Lisa was about to say more hut was quickly cut off by the door opening. In comes Seulgi and Joy. "Your presence is requested in tthe fifth floor living room." Joy smiled while Seulgi looked somehow nervous.

The four of us looked at each other with knowing looks and agreed to go and do as they say. We got up and began to make our way to the fifth floor living room.

Seulgi, Irene and Joy have been lovely and kind to us for the days we've stayed here but we're not really sure if it's just for show so all we can risk trusting right now is the four of us.

Lisa POV

-In the 5th floor living room.

The four of us are sitting together right now in the 5th floor living room, I am guessing that this is the highest floor in the mansion. We sat quietly beside each other as Seulgi and Joy fetch their Boss...

"I'm nervous you guys. " Rosé whispered.

"It's not just you. " Jennie whispered back.

"Please don't be scary. " Jisoo silently prayed next to me.

Meanwhile, I couldn't help but be nervous as well, my heart is literally jumping up and down. Why am I nervous if you might ask? After the talk we just had earlier about this mafia and associations stuff... I got quite nervous about how the boss would look like.

It seems like in the matter of seconds we would finally face him(?) though. We began to hear footsteps and whispering in the halls and sure enough it was Joy, Irene and Seulgi and they were quickly followed by...

A girl???

My brows furrowed in confusion, I couldn't quite see her face because their still a bit far and the lighting in that part of the Hall is a bit dark. Then she came into the light and said.

"Fucking shut up!!" She raised her voice a bit but she still sounded calm. This same sultry voice, sexy, attractive and sweet to the ears. I looked up to her face and sure enough it was the girl from the bar!

"YOU!!" I stood up and yelled but realized that the others said the very same thing. The girl from the bar who I remember being Seven, raised a brow.

"Please be quiet! " Seven raised her voice again in annoyance and it made everyone in the room, which is me the others and Seulgi, Irene and Joy stop talking and sat down quietly.

Silence filled the room as Seven rolled her eyes. She had the same charming attitude, hot as fuck Aura but now she wore a much different style of clothing than I first saw her. It was still sexy but it was lighter of color and floral.

I will repeatedly say she looked hot if I'm not as confused as a newborn here!!

(Sorry but I'm gonna be the one picking the style's of clothing the character will wear and if you don't like it feel free to leave

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(Sorry but I'm gonna be the one picking the style's of clothing the character will wear and if you don't like it feel free to leave. :])

"Now are you done arguing?!" Seven sigh in annoyance and everyone just sat there daring not to talk but then seulgi... "You know tha-" Seven raised a brow at Seulgi and she was quick to shut up.

"That's what I thought. " Seven sat down gracefully on the chair in front of us and then crossed her legs together.

She suddenly it her gaze towards us and if I'm being honest that kinda scared me. Her eyes were literally piercing through my whole being.

"So... Let's get this over with, okay? Ask away." Seven said in a very soft tone. I wanted to ask but I just couldn't!! I still need to process things! It was dead silent so I'm guessing the others felt the same way too. Seven rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Ok. Since you don't want to talk, I'll have to." Seven sigh deeply and stood up. She bowed politely and forced a smile on her face. "Greetings. The four of you have met me before. I've introduced my self as Seven or Red, they are just nicknames or otherwise known as my alliaces. I would like to formally introduce my self. I am Chantal Victoria Bridgerton but I prefer you address me as just
Chantal. "

"Since none of you can come up with words to say. I will just explain everything to you. "

"I've accidentally stumbled upon every each one of you and it just so happens that you all ended up in the brink of death and I am very sorry for your misfortunes. I was luckily there at the time and saved you all. You are currently staying in my home and If you think I'm a mafia of some sort... Then I suggest you to remove those thoughts because I am not. I am just one of those crazy rich person in the streets so no need to fear. "

Seve-.... I mean, Chantal said which is not much of comfort.


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