Chapter | 9

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-Jully 6 2021

The morning sun shone brightly upon a big mansion behind the mountains of Korea. acres and acres of private property, yet the mansion is the apple of the eye for the morning sun.

The white exterior of the castle like mansion is very pleasing to see, yet it is far hidden from the rest of the world. Only but a few people have seen the mansion and to some it is just a legend, none existent and just one in a dream.

Birds chirping can be heard outside, meanwhile, inside the mansion, everyone is also wide awake. To be honest its not really morning anymore.... Its already 1 Pm and confusion and ruckus is the only thing going on inside the home.

----------------------------------------------------------------------FLASHBACK //12:00 PM//


Silence. All I heared were nothing but silence, no murmurs, no alarm clock, no interruptio-... Wait... No alarm clock?



I shot up from the very soft and comfortable bed, made the comforting warmth of the blanket fly away from me as I threw it. Work. I gotta get to work! Who knows what time it is already?! I'm gonna be late! I have a fucking meeting!

I got up from the bed but fell right on my knees. It felt weak. I feel weak, I tried to stand once again but failed miserably. A stinging pain near my chest and abdomen made me grunt. I looked down on my hand to see a IV line connected to it.

The softness of the floor also made mae jump a bit. I have marbled floors in my whole house. How come its carpeted now? I looked at my surroundings and my eyes widen in shock. This is not my room!

The pain in my whole body began to take me back to the memories of being at the bar with my friends and the next second, falling down the tall bridge and into the water.

My breath hitched at the recollections, I stood back into my two feet and frantically tried to know where I am. The room was nicely decorated yet it doesn't seem to be of comfort because this looks far from being a hospital room.

"Help! Help!! Where am I??!!!" I screamed as I begun to panic. What if those guys caught me and wants to torture me? what if they want to kill me and make sure I'm dead and brought me here?! What am I going to do?!

"Omg! Somebody called for help!!!" The door bursted open with a frantic looking person. She looked around and saw me on two feet. She hurriedly ran up to me and made me sit down.

"Are you okay? What happened? Why are you up?! Wait... Your awake?!!" The girl with fiery red hair looked shock. She sure is late in reaction.

"Who are you?! Are you going to kill me?!!" I yelled at her, scared like a bitch because I literally just got shot, twice. I was trembling in fear and she unexpectedly just... Laughed.

"No! I'm a good guy! I mean, I'm Seulgi! " she laughed and I couldn't help but think that this girl has one of the weirdest humours. Before I could even open my mouth to reply she cut me off. "C'mon! We gotta get you some food. I bet you're hungry!!"

As if on que, my stomach rumbled. She chuckled again and helped me up and made me sit on a wheelchair. Where did that even come from? I didn't see that earlier.

I dare not say anything because I'm not really too sure if I can trust her. I'm not even sure if I'm in a hospital! She pushed the wheelchair out of the room and sure enough this place is not a hospital. The halls we're wider, floor was marbled, the decorations look expensive, and the windows were out looking a beautiful view.
This place must be a mansion!

It don't take us long to see very high and extravagant looking stairs. I got nervous thinking that she might push me off of it but she took a right turn and a sigh of relief left my lips after seeing an elevator We got in and never in my life have I seen an elevator look so pretty, I mean our elevator in my company was one of a kind but this is just on another level. It had carvings on its walls, the top was filled with more carvings and I'm sure that the wood used in it is African black wood, believe me when I say that shit's expensive.

We got into the first level of the uhm... mansion? We took a right turn and I was met with a very clean, a dinning room fit for a regal home. I've notice that there are three other girls sitting on the table, eating, minus the other girl who was sitting at the back corn or of the room on her phone.

"I hope you enjoy the food. " Seulgi said and I smiled lightly. There were a lot of food in the dinner table. I roamed my eyes all over and sure enough, amongst all the other foods, some of my favorites was there in one corner.

"Oh! Would you like some of these? "
Seulgi asked, pointing at the food. I just nodded my head and she began to serve me some. Did I stare at the food for too long or she's just a psychic of some sort?


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