Chapter | 14

447 16 2

Jennie POV

-July 7 2021

"Holy shit!" Lisa said out of shock and if I said that I wasn't shaking in my boots, that is an absolute lie. What? What the???? What just happened?! All four of us stood their frozen, now peeking behind the bullet proof windows. That was—amazing.

Chantal though, suddenly fell down to the floor, gripping her left side. With no hesitation Lisa ran towards her, unknown to her, me, Chaeyoung and Jisoo followed behind. We tried to approach Chantal but Seulgi beat us to it. She held her hand up and told us to back away. She then carefully lifted Chantal in her arms and rushed her into the manor without a single word.

Me and the others shared worried looks and I can clearly see that the other people were also very worried.


"I wanna check if she's okay." Chaeyoung said, finally speaking for the first time after the incident laying on the carpet while I sat near the bottom of the bed, beside her. The four of us are once again gathered in Lisa's room to apparently talk but all we did in the last two hours were share sighs of worry here and there. I was getting sick of it but thankfully chaeng broke the ice.

"Yeah, sure. Go and do that, maybe we should even bring flowers?" Lisa said sarcastically while she was plopped down on her own bed, or atleast the one she woke up on yesterday. "I can hear the sarcasm in your voice. Why can't we go ask? We're just worried." Jisoo spoke up, crossing her arms as she sat on the sofa.

"I don't lnow, Kim. Maybe because if they wanted to inform us about Seve—Chantal, they already would have done just that." She  slightly stuttered while saying Chantal's name but, picked her words up. The argument between the two became quite heated but eventually subsided.

Just as they've stopped arguing, a knock was heard behind the wooden door. We all turned towards the door and looked at each other. "Come in." Lisa said, sitting up, while chaeng also did the same. In came Irene with a worried expression on her face. "Are you all okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." -Lisa

"We're good." - Me

"Fine." - Jisoo

We all answered vocaly, all of us except for chaeng who just nodded. She is so shy, its actually cute. "Good to know." She said with a breath of relief. "Sorry that it took so long for me to ask about your well being. We've been kinda busy, yknow with the whole shooting and stuff." She apologized and smiled awkwardly.

"It's fine. We understand the situation, although it is a bit scary." Jisoo replied, scretching her head. A BIT SCARY???? SERIOUSLY?? "Is Chantal, alright?!" Lisa suddenly yelled out loud, taking all of us off guard, I think it was a little louder than she intended. Irene just smiled brightly. "Would you like to go and see her?" Irene offered, as if reading all of our minds, I'm sure that she got the hint through the hopeful eyes the four of us are giving her but I'll pretend that we're not giving away a single thing.

"Yes!!" The four of us answered in unison. Irene told us to come along and we did as she said. As we were making our way to Chantal, we all walk side by side off each other, taking in the interior of the mansion that Chantal earlier reffered to as a humble home. We walked further and further away from our rooms.

Finally after a few minutes we arrived infront of two big doors. Gigantic, almost. "So quick reminder, Chantal is sleeping so it's best if we keep it quiet." Irene warned as she pushed open the doors and helped us in. There we were met with a very—very big room. It looked like a whole apartment. I was amazed with the beautiful decor of the room, it was chic and the perfect mixture of hommie and elegant.

What caught my attention though was the pile of broken tinted glass on one side of the room."uhmm what happened to that?" Chaeyoung asked, acknowledging the elephant in the room that every body is seemingly avoiding. "That's Chantal's glass butterfly collection...Well it used to be. Just this morning, Seulgi broke all of them...accidentaly." Irene explained.

We slowly and quietly walked up to Chantal's bed and saw her peacefully sleeping, while hooked on a blood bag. She looked eteral. "Will she be okay?" I asked abset mindedly. Irene nodded with a smile. "Yes, you all have nothing to worry about." She reassured.

"Are you sure? What about the bullet wound she got earlier? Did she lose a lot of blood?" Lisa asked. She truly cares about her...

"Well... She did lose quite a bit of blood but that wasn't really the reason why she fainted." Irene laughed lowly. Seriously the kind of humour people have here is starting to scare me. "Then why did she faint?" Jisoo asked with curiousity. Irene sighed. "You see Chantal seems to be a very tough person, she looks strong and healthy but that couldn't be further from the truth." Irene said with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Chaeng asked, hinting Irene to continue."Chantal is much weaker than people know. She's physically weak and easily gets sick more than others but she still gives her everything to protect and help everyone out. She fainted due to exaustion earlier. So least to say, she was barely even concious when she got shot so it barely hurt her. Thankfully we have the best doctors here to watch over her so even at her weakest she can recover easily." Irene explained, for a second I though she was gonna say Chantal was pregnant, that would have killed me:)). As she was talking she made Chantal sound like a child and herself (Irene) her mother. It just shows how much she cares for her.

As my attention turned towards the other girls, I wasn't even shock to see them looking at Chantal with such admiration. I couldn't say that I didn't give her that same look. By the looks of it...I think the four of us are— inlove...with the same girl.

And every each one of us knows it.


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