Chapter | 15

318 11 2

Jisoo's POV

July 8, 2021

I don't get it...I just don't. I don't understand how someone like her, someone so small and pure could just sit there like it was nothing. I watched as Chantal sat Infront of us and ate so calmly, as if she wasn't just rained with bullets yesterday.

Everybody else in the table just stayed quiet and ate, minding their own business. While Jennie, Roseanne and I were sharing worried glances at each other. "Are you okay now, Chantal?" Roseanne asked with a low and quiet voice, dripping with concern.

Chantal, looked up and gave a light smile. "Yeah, thank you for asking. How about you four? Are you all okay?" She asked...I just don't get this girl. Why is she like this? "We're all good." Jennie answered on behalf of the four of us.

Breakfast quickly ended and Chantal also quickly left to her room. The four of us are once again left together in the closed garden after deciding we needed to have a talk. "So...Are we gonna talk about how she just acted like nothing happened?" I began and Roseanne quickly replied with a nod and said "I feel very concerned about her."

"I agree! I know we barely know her but it's just worrying." Jennie also spoke and Lisa just listened to the three of us talk, until she sat up. "She doesn't want to talk about it. Let's not push our boundaries by getting in on her business." I frowned at her reaction to all these things going on right now.

I wished she cared a bit more but I decided that getting in a fight with her over this, this time around is not very practical. "I just wonder why she's like that. Y'know?" I sighed.

"It's because she's used to it." A voice said out of nowhere, earning all of our attention. A girl with short hair who looked to be a few years younger than us walked towards us and sat at one of the empty seats. "Who are you?" Jennie asked.

The girl smiled and scratched her head. "I'm Ryujin. Hope's sister." She introduced her self. "Who the fuck is hope?" Lisa asked rudely. "Chantal" Ryujin said blankly. To say we're jungshooked was an understatement. "She has a sister?" Roseanne asked more likely to herself but Ryujin nodded in response.

"Well...I'm not her biological sister but she did adopt me, although she's just 2 years older than me which is unbelievable!" She mumbled and chuckled to herself and continued talking.

"You wanna understand my sister? You'll have to break through her walls. — My older sister is not much of a fighter. She's not physically capable of being one but she'd fight for those she wants to protect." Ryujin said with all seriousness but with a hint of pride in her voice and continued talking. "She'd be this tough girl on the outside but she's just that girl who wants to be the light in the end of the tunnel."

"I mean...I guess you already know that since you're all here after all, just like everyone of us." She said hinting at something but the four of us just shared confused glances. "What do you mean?" Lisa asked paying full attention to Ryujin.

"Well ... Just like the four of you, every each person in this household was brought in by my sister. Every person in this house was literally looking at death straight in the face until my sister saved them." She shrugged her shoulders as if she just said the most irelevant thing.

"And that's why I call her hope." She stood up and left after giving the context we didn't know we needed.

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