The New Demon King

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A few weeks passed by and with the deaths of upper moon 5 and 4, Muzan knew he had to act now in creating a plan to make sure all demons will remain in this world without a single trace of demon slayers left. Muzan was hesitant at first to pull through with his plan, but he went ahead and took the risk for if this risk was worth it, it would cause the death of the demon slayers for good.

"Kokushibo!!" Muzan screamed in a calm manner and in an instant Kokushibo was kneeling right in front of Muzan like a servant. "Yes my lord, what will be needed of me," Kokushibo said so elegantly. "For since you've been my number one for over 300 years and have enhanced your sword skills to the utmost, it would be rude of me not to give you any more of my power. For with the deaths of 2 upper moons in one night, the demon slayers are at an all-time high and I entrust you to take them out with ease if I give you more of my blood." Kokushibo stared into Muzan's eyes with disbelief, it looked as if he had seen a ghost with the shock of Muzan giving him his blood.

"I am deeply honored Lord Muzan" Kokushibo with faint pride in his voice. "I will attack the mansion where all the Hashira is located and give..... someone..... a visit while I'm over there," Muzan said with faint hesitation in his voice mentioning this someone. "You will have then until the palace invasion to enhance your sword skills to the utmost. I would suggest you give it your all since a certain someone from your past has resonated in one of the demon slayers...." At the end of that sentence, Kokushibo froze, and all sorts of emotions flooded through him with the main emotions being hatred and a faint bit of sadness, he knew exactly who Muzan was talking about, and in the next moment, Muzan gave Kokushibo his blood. It was the largest amount of blood ever received by any demon and Kokushibo's eyes were boiling with pain and anger with Muzan's blood causing intense pain within him. After the longest 25 seconds of Kokushibo's life, the pain stopped, and had received an unprecedented amount of blood from Muzan.

"Kokushibo..... you must know that with this amount of power and blood within you, you will be the new demon king... I cannot reach your type of power any time soon so you mustn't let me down Kokushibo" Muzan said with wonder in his voice. Kokushibo only nodded and mumbled to himself how he would take his revenge on this certain someone from his past, the only known user of his brother's breathing style, the legendary form of sun breathing.

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