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"What is this? Where am I?! Is everyone still ok?" said Tanjiro in a conflicted tone of voice. His location was unknown as he knew that he was on the battlefield before but is now in a snowy valley. "Please don't tell me this is another blood demon art!" He walked forward for a little while until he stumbled upon what seemed like his house. He ran forward and saw a family on the porch and ran up to them. They didn't acknowledge his existence but eerily looked very familiar to his family that was slain. He looked around the house until the family erupted into happiness when a figure walked up to the house, his stature was tall with long red hair. Most interestingly he was wearing the same hanafuda earrings he's been wearing all this time on his journey.

"Ooh, your sword looks so cool! Mind showing us your techniques!" The mother figure of the house said to the stranger, he was hesitant at first but showed the whole family. Tanjiro took notice and watched along with the family. The stranger's movements were so eloquent and beautiful that it appeared almost godlike.  The father was examining his movements very carefully so as to not forget his legacy. The stranger finished his 12 forms and the mother and children cheered for the stranger and the father still took serious mental notes of the movements that the stranger performed.

"Please... do not pity me," the stranger said in a very somber voice. The family looked very sad at the news and asked him to continue. "Everything was taken away from me, my family, my social standing to protect people, failing to kill the projector of the demons Muzan, and to top it all off my brother was turned into a demon shortly after. I'm a failure." "Please don't call yourself that!" The mother put the baby down on the ground and gave the stranger a hug. His emotions were still very still and lifeless. Tanjiro realized that this was the man that almost killed Muzan Kibutsuji and the forms he used were the key to that victory of defeating Kokushibo, the new demon king! The baby waddled its way towards the stranger and tugged on his kimono, the stranger looked down and gave the baby a hug which sent huge tears down his face. After a while, the stranger stood up and gave the father his earrings, and soon after departed.

"Bye for now! Please take care of yourselves okay!" the stranger said with the slightest smile on his face and walked the other way. Tanjiro took a deep breath and woke up in the middle of the action. He saw the terrible outcome of the hashira's failed attempt to slice off Kokushibo's head and with no other option pulled out his sword and stopped the bleeding only a fraction of a second after causing immense pain. He took a stance and got ready.

"Hinokami Kagura: Flame Dance!" Tanjiro yelled and missed Kokushibo's neck by a hair, but was able to land a hit on Kokushibo's hands. Kokushibo glanced over at Tanjiro and instead of being excited seeing a well-skilled opponent, Kokushibo's eyes were filled with malice and anger. Tanjiro could smell jealousy, hate, and sadness, not emotions you would find in a demon of this skill level. Tanjiro and Kokushibo stood at the ready and Kokushibo were the first to deliver his attack.

"Moon Breathing, Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves!" Giant circular saw-blade shapes emerge with tons of moon-shaped blades heading his way. Tanjiro did the same technique as Kokushibo with Muichiro and moved so fast that he created an afterimage appearing behind Kokushibo, he saw this coming and did a giant 360 slash around him so Tanjiro couldn't get close to him. When Kokushibo looked back around the battlefield he saw that everyone disappeared. "Those damn pieces of paper! Enough of this! I'll end all of you for good!!!"

"Moon Breathing, Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon!" This was by far Kokushibo's largest attack spreading across a radius of a quarter mile in every direction filled to the brim with moon blades. Everyone was shocked by his reach and everyone including Tanjiro got hit with this attack, some receiving minor and others receiving life-threatening injuries. Gyomei with his useless weapons got both of his arms cut off, Sanemi got one of his legs cut off, and Obanai was completely cut in half due to his lack of vision and died instantly. Everyone else was lucky enough to not get serious injuries like those but still got quite the beating. Muichiro and Giyu regrouped while Tanjiro still kept going with his attacks.

"Hinokami Kagura: Solar Heat Haze," Tanjiro said and Kokushibo knew this little trick that his brother did and dodged the blade before it made contact with his neck. "You really are just like my brother... an imitation of his power is unjust!" Kokushibo yelled and continued attacking Tanjiro at blinding speeds. Both had their demon slayer marks, both saw the transparent world, and both were highly regarded swordsmen. Kokushibo knew he was going to come victorious and continued attacking Tanjiro. Muichiro and Giyu approached from various angles to try to help, but this was Tanjiro's and Kokushibo's battle now, and after some resistance backed off. "This one is for you, brother, to show that I'm stronger than you!"

"Moon Breathing, Final Form: Blood Red Moon's Rampage" Kokushibo leaped in the air and swung his sword down towards the ground towards Tanjiro. Everyone on the sidelines felt the air get heavy and rushed away for safety since this was going to be Kokushibo's final breathing technique toward Tanjiro. A giant moon-shaped blade formed coated in a dark red was hurdling toward Tanjiro at immense speed, he got himself ready, and before everyone realized the giant moon crashed into the ground creating a somewhat huge crater. Kokushibo landed on the ground and slid into the crater to examine the body. He was shocked to learn that no one was in there and Tanjiro had one more trick up his sleeve.

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