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Muzan approached the mansion where Kagaya was on his soon-to-be deathbed. Muzan approached him with the slightest bit of resentment and only then did Muzan's guard fully drop as he started to have a conversation with Kagaya. 

"I see that the family still holds strong Kagaya, I'm quite impressed. I also see that the demon slayers have grown quite strong and their talent to take down three of my upper moons in such a short amount of time gives me chills every time I think about it. For you see... it's too late for your demon slayers to do anything effective since I'm no longer the demon king." Kagaya looks confused by the mention of Muzan not being the demon king. He might have thought that this was a bluff on Muzan's part to lower his guard, but he counterargues.

"It won't take long for my fellow children to arrive at the mansion to take you out Muzan. They have all gone under extensive training with the Hashira's and are finally going to take you down" With one more smile from Kagaya, the whole building erupts with a giant explosion seen across for miles. Muzan was barely hurt by the explosion, but it left him very confused. "What the hell just happened? Why did he do that!!" Before he could process anything that's going on Tamayo stabs Muzan with a poison that severely cripples him.

"Damn brat!!" Muzan yelled at Tamayo. He quickly decapitates her and looks into her eyes with resentment knowing that he will die in only a few short hours from the poison alone since a majority of his powers moved to Kokushibo. He still persists and what feels like only a fraction of a second later, Tanjiro, Zenitzu, Inoskue, and all the other Hashira went full force at Muzan, and after another fraction of a second later rapid plucking could be heard across the battlefield, and doors of various sizes were put underneath the Hashira's feet and began to fall into the Infinity Castle.

"You really thought you can defeat the demons for good!?" Muzan yelled out to all the demon slayers with cockiness in his voice. "You are all seriously going to hell!!" And with those final words, the demon slayers were filled with rage, the doors slammed shut leaving the slayers trapped inside the castle waiting to have the heaviest undertaking of their lives and will decide the course of human history with this final battle.

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